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Publication 10 Years after Tufte's "Cognitive Style of PowerPoint": Synthesizing its Constraining QualitiesPowerPoint is a tool that is very often used in organization to visualize knowledge. It is seemingly simple but a complex tool which is not 'neutral' but has enabling and constraining qualities. Despite its pervasiveness, research on PowerPoint is scarce, fragmented and often polemic. Given its omnipresence and importance, a more appropriate understanding of the tool is needed. This paper aims to contribute toward this goal by conducting a literature review on the constraining qualities of PowerPoint in a systematic manner. The results are synthesized into 12 constraining qualities and classified into two levels: the tool itself and the enactment of the tool in the performance. Through the synthesis and description of the constraining qualities and their negative effects, this paper aims to provide guidance to practitioners for the preparation, performance and reception of PowerPoint presentations, with the ultimate goal to select and use this presentation tool more consciously, or to select other tools for knowledge visualization.Type:conference paperScopus© Citations 4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication 2015 Leaders Forum Highlights : Yves Daccord's Stakeholder Engagement StoriesThe Leaders Forum is an annual event bringing together thought leaders on sustainable development from businesses, NGOs, public organisations, social enterprises, universities and the general public. This year's event was held at the University of St. Gallen from February 5 to 7, and the focal point of discussions was multi-dimensional sustainability in Latin America. The first three speakers at this year's forum were Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard, WWF President Yolanda Kakabadse and ICRC Director-General Yves Daccord. Following this thought-provoking beginning, the pace of fascination did not slacken. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 4CaaSt Marketplace : An Advanced Business Environment for Trading Cloud Services(ELSEVIER, 2014-03-03) ;Menychtas, Andreas ;Vogel, Jürgen ;Giessmann, Andrea ;Gatzioura, Anna ;Garcia Gomez, Sergio ;Moulos, Vrettos ;Junker, Frederic ;Müller, Mathias ;Kyriazis, Dimosthenis; Varvarigou, TheodoraAs Clouds mature and become ubiquitous, marketplace environments are developed facilitating the provision of services in a manner that emphasizes on the modular composition of individual services across different providers that crosscut the cloud service stack layers (i.e. composition of XaaS) to fulfil customers' requirements. Besides acting as intermediaries for the search, selection and trading of services, such marketplaces should also support the complete service lifecycle and the consolidation of offerings from different providers with varying and often contradicting business goals. In this paper we present a one-stop cloud marketplace solution that addresses the aforementioned challenges while enabling the simulation of different business cases to optimize service offerings according to a wide and dynamic set of parameters. Moreover, the proposed solution introduces advanced aggregated price models and integrates a new resolution approach that incorporates business intelligence into the search and selection processes. We also demonstrate the operation of the implemented approach and evaluate its effectiveness using a real-world scenario, based on a taxi fleet management application. --> articleJournal:Future Generation Computer SystemsIssue:32Scopus© Citations 28 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 4CaaSt: Comprehensive management of Cloud services through a PaaS(IEEE Computer Society Press, 2012-07-10) ;García-Gómez, Sergio ;Escriche-Vicente, Manuel ;Arozarena-Llopis, Pablo ;Jiménez-Gañán, Miguel ;Lelli, Francesco ;Taher, Yehia ;Biro, József ;Momm, Christof ;Spriestersbach, Axel ;Vogel, Jürgen ;Le Jeune, Goulven ;Giessmann, Andrea ;Junker, Frederic ;Dao, Michel ;Carrié, Stéphane ;Niemöller, JörgMazmanov, DimitriThe 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS, framework that enables flexible definition, marketing,, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and, applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are, the blueprint and its lifecycle management, a one stop shop for, Cloud services and a PaaS level resource management, featuring elasticity. 4CaaSt also provides a portfolio of ready to, use Cloud native services and Cloud-aware immigrant, technologies.Type:conference paperScopus© Citations 13 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Business-Goal-Service-Capability Graph for the Alignment of Requirements and Services(IEEE Computer Society, 2008-07-08) ;Galster, MatthiasBucherer, EvaThe increasing popularity of service-oriented architectures (SOA) raises a number of questions on how to operationalize this new software development paradigm. One important aspect is the one of service granularity, which refers to the scope of functionality covered by one single service. In this paper, we present a graph-based method that helps determine the appropriate granularity of software services in order to match them with software requirements. This procedure becomes important during design- and run-time evaluation of services when determining the suitability of services to support business goals and to implement requirements. The presented Business-Goal-Service-Capability graph (BGSC graph) follows a refinement of requirements and service capabilities until a common granularity level has been reached.Type:conference paperScopus© Citations 13 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Classification and Analysis of Data Quality Costs(2004-11-05); Helfert, MarkusMany information quality initiatives and projects need to demonstrate the potential benefits of their IQrelated activities already in their planning stage. In doing so, practitioners rely on cost estimates based on current non-quality data effects (that are then compared to data quality improvement costs). In producing such estimates on costs caused by low quality data, it is difficult to identify all potential negative monetary effects that are the result of low quality data (as well as all possible costs associated with assuring high quality data and their progression). Consequently, this article reviews and categorizes the potential costs associated with low quality data and examines their progression. This analysis can help practitioners to identify cost saving potentials and argue a more convincing business case of their data quality imitative. For researchers, the proposed classification framework and the cost progression analyses can be helpful to develop quantifiable measures of data quality costs and to prepare – subsequently – benchmarking studies, comparing different cost levels in different organizations. Thus, the paper contributes elements of a future cost-benefit analysis method for data quality investments. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication A Collaborative Dimensions Framework: Understanding the Mediating Role of Conceptual Visualizations in Collaborative Knowledge WorkFacilitating collaborative knowledge work is a crucial issue in management: knowledge is a key corporate asset, but it is typically spread across various people in different organizational functions. In this paper we explore how conceptual visualizations (such as diagrams, visual metaphors, charts, sketches) can be constructed and used as cognitive artefacts that support collaborative knowledge work. In order to facilitate tasks such as the creation and sharing of knowledge in teams, we propose a collaborative dimensions framework as a tool for understanding how visual artefacts can facilitate collaboration in circumstances that involve distributed knowledge. The framework is based on the widespread Cognitive Dimensions of Notation framework and is enriched with criteria from the boundary object paradigm discussed in organization science. The dimensions of the framework are described and then applied to three different visualizations that are used in collaborative knowledge work. A discussion of future research needs concludes the paper.Type:conference paperScopus© Citations 43 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A comparison between concept maps, mind maps, conceptual diagrams, and visual metaphors as complementary tools für knowledge construction and sharingIn this article, Novak's concept mapping technique is compared to three other types of visualization formats, namely mind maps, conceptual diagrams, and visual metaphors. The application parameters and the respective advantages and disadvantages of each format for learning and knowledge sharing are reviewed and discussed. It is argued that the combination of these four visualization types can play to the strength of each one. The article then provides real-life examples from such a use in undergraduate and graduate university teaching. The results provide first indications that the different visualization formats can be used in complementary ways to enhance motivation, attention, understanding and recall. The implications for a complementary use of these visualization formats in class room and meeting contexts are discussed and a future research agenda in this domain is articulated.Type:journal articleJournal:Information VisualizationVolume:5Issue:3Scopus© Citations 301 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication A Conceptual Framework for Agent Oriented and Role Based Workflow Modelling(1999) ;Schmid, BeatYu, LeiThis paper explores an innovative conceptual framework for agentoriented and role based workflow modeling. We view a business process as a collection of autonomous, problem solving agents which interact with others when they have interdependencies. And we model a workflow as a set of relating roles. Roles are defined in term of goals, qualifications, obligations,permissions, protocols, etc. We adopt protocols to govern the interactionsamong roles. Roles are assigned to agents based on the evaluation ofqualification and capabilities. Once a role is assigned to an agent, the agentinherits the obligations and permissions specified in that role. Coordination of workflow is achieved by communication between agents. Moreover, the journal article Internet peer review process is considered as a case study.Type:working paper - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Core Component-based Modelling Approach for Achieving e-Business Semantics Interoperability(Universidad de Talca / Facultad de Ingeniería, 2008-12-01) ;Janner, Till ;Lampathaki, Fenareti ;Hoyer, Volker ;Mouzakitis, Spiros ;Charalabidis, YannisSchroth, ChristophThe adoption of advanced integration technologies that enable private and public organizations to seamlessly execute their business transactions electronically is still relatively low, especially among governmental bodies and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Current solutions often lack a common understanding of the underlying business document semantics and most existing approaches are not able to cope with the huge variety of business document formats, stemming from highly diverse requirements of the different stakeholders. Developed and applied in the course of the EU-funded research project GENESIS, this paper presents a comprehensive core component-based business document modelling approach that builds upon existing standards such as the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) and the UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS). These standards are extended by introducing the concept of generic business document templates out of which specific documents can be derived according to the actual user's needs. Key principle to achieve this flexibility is the integration of business context information that allows for modelling standard-based but at the same time customized business documents. The resulting modelling framework ranges from (tool-supported) graphical data models to the technical representation of the business documents as XML schema documents designed in compliance with the UN/CEFACT XML schema Naming and Design Rules (NDR). www.jtaer.comType:journal articleJournal:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER)Volume:3Issue:3 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication A descriptive inquiry into the corporate communication profession in EuropeThis paper explores the educational backgrounds, work activities, remuneration and job satisfaction of European communication professionals. Based on factor analysis of a sample of 1410 European communicators, five major work activities are identified: lobbying external constituencies, advising and reviewing policies, positioning the firm in the marketplace, and external and internal facilitation. Using analysis of variance between groups, we argue that some of the more technical work activities are predominantly conducted by female communication professionals, whereas managerial activities are predominantly performed by their male counterparts. As will be shown, while educational background does not differ between genders, salaries as well as job satisfaction do; likewise, there are differences in respect of educational background, salaries, and job satisfaction.Type:journal articleJournal:Public Relations ReviewVolume:35Issue:3 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Design Thinking Approach for Designing Careers: Finding Authenticity and Increasing Self-Efficacy(2020-08-07); The current work environment, characterized by high mobility, career interruptions and temporary work, requires management students to actively design their career trajectories and re-design them as circumstances change. Departing from traditional one-on-one coaching sessions, we investigate the effectiveness of a collaborative life design method based on Design thinking and conducted in large groups. Through a quasi-experiment we find that students who attended the life design workshop significantly increased their Positive Psychological Capital (specifically self-efficacy, resilience and hope), their self-esteem and the presence of meaning in life. The qualitative data analysis revealed that the intervention allowed students to broaden their sight on life, discover authenticity by reframing their measures of success. Business schools could consider offering courses on career design with a collaborative design thinking approach to support students in learning a methodology which could better equip them to navigate the future of work.Type:conference speech - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Digital Divide in Political Participation : Exploring Antecedents and Effects of Online Political Participation(ICA International Communication Association, 2014-05-23); ;Aeschlimann, Lea SophieType:conference paper - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Digital Divide in Political Participation: Exploring Antecedents and Effects of Online Political Participation(ICA International Communication Association, 2014-05-23); ;Aeschilmann, Lea SophiaOnline participation is a thriving topic in communication and Internet research. One prominent area within research on online participation focuses on participation divides. Participation divides are frequently understood as social inequalities in online content creation. To create a broader understanding of participation domains, and thereby participation divides, we conduct a systematic literature review. Analyzing 192 journal articles and conference proceedings, we identify central definitions, antecedents, and outcomes of online participation. Most notably, we detect five distinct domains of online participation: political & civic, economic/business, cultural, health-related, and educational participation. Surveying all five domains, we find some noteworthy differences in the respective participation divides. This position paper interprets the participitation divides in each domain, derives propositions for future research and connects the findings to the overall topic of "Communication and the Good Life". Als: "A Matter of Context: Differentiating Participation Divides by Social Field" im Programm?Type:conference paper - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings