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Adaptation Barriers in Internal Crowdsourcing: A Multiple Case Study

2018-06-23 , Knop, Nicolas , Blohm, Ivo

Recently, the application of internal crowdsourcing in companies as a new form of orchestrating work has increased substantially. Early research has shown that organizations should apply internal crowdsourcing due to its benefits, such as fast access to internal knowledge and increased productivi-ty. Although studies have identified some advantages, internal crowdsourcing is a complex initiative and we do not sufficiently know how to rollout internal crowdsourcing initiatives in a company and to guide them to a state of stable operations in the adaptation stage. Some papers derived barriers for internal crowdsourcing and solutions on how to overcome them. However, these barriers address mostly the operational stage, when the initiative is already stable. Some papers address adaptation barriers, but the assessment frameworks in current literature used to detect them were incomprehen-sive resulting in only few adaptation barriers and solutions. Therefore, we identify the adaptation bar-riers of internal crowdsourcing comprehensively through the technochange theory in a multiple case study, assess what solutions the companies applied and describe how the solutions work in order to display how to overcome barriers in a consolidated introduction model for internal crowdsourcing.

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Conceptualizing the Agile Work Organization: A systematic literature review, framework and research agenda

2020-06 , Greineder, Michael Johannes , Leicht, Niklas , Blohm, Ivo

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A Process Theory on Transformation of Work Through Internal Crowdsourcing

2020-07-29 , Greineder, Michael Johannes , Blohm, Ivo

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Transforming Work Organization with Internal Crowds: a Process Theory

2020 , Greineder, Michael Johannes , Blohm, Ivo

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Leveraging the Internal Work Force through Crowdtesting – Crowdsourcing in Banking

2018-12-13 , Knop, Nicolas , Blohm, Ivo

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The Nature of Crowd Work and its Effects on Individuals’ Work Perception

2020-03-03 , Durward, David , Blohm, Ivo , Leimeister, Jan Marco

Crowd work reflects a new form of gainful employment on the Internet. We study how the nature of the tasks being performed and financial compensation jointly shape work perceptions of crowdworkers in order to better understand the changing modes and patterns of digital work. Surveying individuals on 23 German crowd working platforms, this work is the first to add a multi-platform perspective on perceived working conditions in crowd work. We show that crowd workers need rather high levels of financial compensation before task characteristics become relevant for shaping favorable perceptions of working conditions. We explain these results by considering financial compensation as an informational cue indicating the appreciation of working effort that is internalized by well-paid crowd workers. Resulting boundary conditions for task design are discussed. These results help us understand when and under what conditions crowd work can be regarded as a fulfilling type of employment in highly developed countries.

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Understanding Job Satisfaction of Crowd Workers: An Empirical Analysis of Its Determinants and Effects

2018 , Durward, David , Blohm, Ivo

Crowd work has emerged as new pattern of digitally mediated collaboration. In this paper, we focus on the determinants and effects of crowd workers’ job satisfaction – a perspective that has been largely neglected by current crowdsourcing research. We report results from a survey of 161 crowd workers participating in crowdsourced software testing. Our research shows that job satisfaction mediates the effects of monetary rewards, hedonic value, and cognitive stimulation on the intention to participate in future testing tasks. By contrast, factors of work context (i.e., flexibility and provided information) have no effects. We contribute to the literature by unraveling job satisfaction as causal mechanism influencing future participation. For practice, our results help to design more effective tasks in crowd work.

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Internes Crowdsourcing – Herausforderungen und Lösungsstrategien für eine erfolgreiche Transformation der Arbeitsorganisation

2019-07-01 , Knop, Nicolas , Blohm, Ivo , Leimeister, Jan Marco