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The Marginal Incentive of Insider Trading: An Economic Reinterpretation of the Case Law

2006 , Grechenig, Kristoffel

Commentators on insider trading are divided into two camps, one in favor of regulation, the other in favor of deregulation. The pleadings for the two positions are manifold but not irreconcilable. We show that important gains to social welfare come with insider trading on negative information (sales), whereas losses often result from the use of positive information (purchases). Thus, we look at a regulation that allows insiders to use negative but not positive non-public information. Because positive information will be disclosed much sooner than negative information, the marginal incentive (and marginal gain to social welfare, respectively) of insider trading as a disclosure mechanism is greater for sales than for purchases. Likewise, stock bubbles generally occur in terms of overvaluations, not undervaluations, emphasizing the importance of insider trading on negative information as a deterrent. The case law on insider trading has long since recognized the distinction between the two types of information, a fact that commentators have either neglected or criticized. A reinterpretation allows us to reconcile presumed contractions of the case law. Our analysis also explains empirical data suggesting that insider trading involves more selling than buying, while enforcement actions focus on purchasing activity.

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Dispoaktien: Ein 250-Milliarden-Problem?

2012-06-15 , Häusermann, Daniel M.

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Nanotechnologie: Reichweite des Regulierungs- und Gestaltungsanspruchs des Gesetzgebers

2008-11-11 , Hettich, Peter

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Cooperative Risk Regulation : Discussion

2011-08-09 , Hettich, Peter

The idea of market participants negotiating the regulatory framework of their business with regulators has gained ground in recent years. This approach of "Co-Regulation" has been advocated as useful for audiovisual media, in particular; it might be transferable to other areas. The internet, financial markets, environmental pollution, and nanotech are all fields in which the regulatory state seeks an active role. These fields might need some regulation to ensure the safety of consumers. However, regulatory efforts soon hit a wall, either because legislators are barred from regulation (e.g. media), because legislators hardly know about a technology (e.g. nanotech), because legislators despair of dynamic markets (e.g. financial markets), or because legislators lack instruments to regulate complex processes (e.g. pollution). Maybe as a consequence, regulation in these areas is delegated to regulatory agencies with limited democratic legitimacy, limited accountability and limited judicial review. Unfortunately, efforts to co-regulate industries might not overcome all of these problems, are implemented patchy, and are prone to regulatory capture and intransparency. This discussion is about how the process of co-regulating industries might be improved.

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Bleak Prospects for Research in GMP in Switzerland

2012-11-01 , Hettich, Peter , Walther, Simone

Many European countries, including Switzerland, share deep suspicions about the broad commercial application of Genetically Modified Plants (GMP) in agriculture. Research in GMP, however, is mostly welcome. In Switzerland, nevertheless, an overprotective legal framework against risks of GMP results in regulatory spillovers for research. This article explores how such expanded legal protection in combination with the application of a strong precautionary principle hampers freedom of research in the field of green gene technology. The authors do not seek, on this occasion, to question the general risk assessment of Swiss legislators and their desire for a high level of protection. However, field trials with GMP will cease to take place if the procedural burdens for researchers are not reduced. In particular, it will be vital to establish research zones ("protected sites") if research in GMP is to continue to take place in Switzerland.

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Unternehmensstrafrecht in der Schweiz

2009 , Hilf, Marianne Johanna , Kert, Robert , Záhora, Jozef

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Kooperative Risikovorsorge : Regulierte Selbstregulierung im Recht der operationellen und technischen Risiken

2014 , Hettich, Peter

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Urheberrechtliche Beurteilung von "Catch-up TV"

2013 , Thouvenin, Florent

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2010 , Hilf, Marianne Johanna , Zeder, Fritz , Höpfel, Frank , Ratz, Eckart

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Der Einwand rechtmässigen Alternativverhaltens - Rechtsvergleich, Ökonomische Analyse und Implikationen für die Proportionalhaftung

2009-01-01 , Grechenig, Kristoffel