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Wie smarte Städte Pandemien bekämpfen können

2020-09-10 , Guenduez, Ali Asker , Schedler, Kuno

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Public Managers in the Face of Big Data: Panic or Panacea?

2020-03-16 , Mettler, Tobias , Guenduez, Ali A. , Schedler, Kuno

There is no doubt that we have arrived in the era of big data, or as Peter Sondergaard from Gartner would say: “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” By nature, governments are a particularly mighty ‘oil producer’, given that they are often among the largest creators and gatherers of data in many countries. But what about their combustion engine? Do they actively harness and analyze the collected data to improve their governance and operations?

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Warum wir den Schritt zur elektronischen Identität wagen können

2019-06-21 , Guenduez, Ali A. , Schedler, Kuno