Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Understanding Systems Science: A Visual and Integrative Approach
    (Wiley, 2013-10-18)
    Systems thinking is considered a much-needed competence to deal better with an increasingly interlinked and complex world. The many streams within systems science have diversified perspectives, theories and methods, but have also complicated the field as a whole. This makes it difficult to understand and master the field. Short introductions to fundamental questions of systems science are rare. This paper is divided into three parts and aims to do the following: (1) to provide a broad overview of the structure and purpose of systems science; (2) to present a set of key systems principles and relate them to theoretical streams; and (3) to describe aspects of systems-oriented methodologies within a general process cycle. Integrative visualizations have been included to highlight the relationships between concepts, perspectives and systems thinkers. Several new attempts have been made to define and organize system concepts and streams in order to provide greater overall coherence and easier understanding.
    Scopus© Citations 80
  • Publication
    Kooperatives Problemlösen in komplexen Situationen: Ein integratives Konzept für Vorgehen, Klärung und Kommunikation
    (Universität St. Gallen, 2019)
    Complex problem solving is one of the most important skills required for the future. However, there is a lack of theory-based approaches to problem-solving in complex situations. This explorative study aims to develop a general problem-solving model for complex situations that is theoretically solid, practical, as well as empirically testable. This problemsolving model is designed for its application across disciplines, such as management, innovation, research and consensus-building. The result encompasses three artifacts: a process model with twelve phases, a context model to classify complex situations, and a report guide with sample cases. The approach is based on systems research, design-based research and methodological triangulation. Within the scope of this study, methods were used exploratively and were partially developed further in order to test statements of the postulated phase model with qualitative, quantitative and comparative methods. As part of the study, people were interviewed about an optimal sequence of problem-solving phases (stages); participants sorted predefined problem-solving phases (stages) according to different context conditions and numerous phase models were collected and compared in regard to their phases. The developed model has a modular structure and can be adapted to specific situations by either omitting phases or emphasizing them more strongly. The developed approach provides the foundation for further research, especially regarding comprehensibility, applicability and knowledge transfer.