Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Sharing Design Knowledge Through Codification in Interdisciplinary DSR Collaborations
    ( 2023-01-06)
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Hevner, Alan
    The goals of design science research (DSR) projects are to generate novel and useful artifacts and to produce rigorous and generalizable design knowledge. Often, DSR projects are conducted in collaborative, interdisciplinary project teams. Different disciplinary approaches to codifying design knowledge result in challenging project interactions. To study this situation, we analyze design knowledge codification in interdisciplinary teams over time. We gain insights from a survey of recent DSR papers that have been published in the AIS Senior Scholars’ Basket. We then present a detailed case study of a longitudinal project that brought to light issues of sharing design knowledge across disciplinary borders. Drawing from the survey and case study, we provide actionable guidance on how to effectively codify and share design knowledge to support researchers and practitioners to build useful artifacts and to make interdisciplinary design knowledge contributions reusable and applicable.
  • Publication
    Conceptualizing Design Knowledge in IS Research – A Review and Taxonomy of Design Knowledge Properties
    ( 2022-01-07)
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Design science projects are of great interest in information systems (IS) research. Typically, design-oriented projects generate valuable design knowledge through the design and possible instantiation of artifacts. Although designing novel artifacts and accumulating design knowledge is common practice in IS, there is still limited shared knowledge about the distinctive characteristics of design knowledge to facilitate its accumulation. To address this issue, we develop a design knowledge taxonomy and contribute to a deeper understanding of design knowledge properties. The taxonomy is grounded on a systematic literature review, followed by a combination of empirical-to-conceptual and conceptual-to-empirical iterations. We evaluate the taxonomy by interviewing six domain experts and demonstrate its practical application and utility. Thus, the taxonomy consists of key dimensions and characteristics of design knowledge and contributes to a better scientific understanding of its characteristics. Practitioners can use the taxonomy as an instrument to further understand, design, and accumulate design knowledge.