Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Publication
    Charting the Evolution and Future of Conversational Agents: A Research Agenda Along Five Waves and New Frontiers
    (Springer Nature, 2023-04-20)
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Benner, Dennis
    Saqr, Mohammed
    Conversational agents (CAs) have come a long way from their first appearance in the 1960s to today's generative models. Continuous technological advancements such as statistical computing and large language models allow for an increasingly natural and effortless interaction, as well as domain-agnostic deployment opportunities. Ultimately, this evolution begs multiple questions: How have technical capabilities developed? How is the nature of work changed through humans' interaction with conversational agents? How has research framed dominant perceptions and depictions of such agents? And what is the path forward? To address these questions, we conducted a bibliometric study including over 5000 research articles on CAs. Based on a systematic analysis of keywords, topics, and author networks, we derive "five waves of CA research" that describe the past, present, and potential future of research on CAs. Our results highlight fundamental technical evolutions and theoretical paradigms in CA research. Therefore, we discuss the moderating role of big technologies, and novel technological advancements like OpenAI GPT or BLOOM NLU that mark the next frontier of CA research. We contribute to theory by laying out central research streams in CA research, and offer practical implications by highlighting the design and deployment opportunities of CAs.
    Scopus© Citations 16
  • Publication
    How to Achieve Ethical Persuasive Design: A Review and Theoretical Propositions for Information Systems
    ( 2022-12-29)
    Benner, Dennis
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Persuasive system design (PSD) is an umbrella term for designs in information systems (IS) that can influence people’s attitude, behavior, or decision making for better or for worse. On the one hand, PSD can improve users’ engagement and motivation to change their attitude, behavior, or decision making in a favorable way, which can help them achieve a desired outcome and, thus, improve their wellbeing. On the other hand, PSD misuse can lead to unethical and undesirable outcomes, such as disclosing unnecessary information or agreeing to terms that do not favor users, which, in turn, can negatively impact their wellbeing. These powerful persuasive designs can involve concepts such as gamification, gamblification, and digital nudging, which all have become prominent in recent years and have been implemented successfully across different sectors, such as education, e-health, e-governance, e-finance, and digital privacy contexts. However, such persuasive influence on individuals raises ethical questions as PSD can impair users’ autonomy or persuade them towards a third party’s goals and, hence, lead to unethical decision-making processes and outcomes. In human-computer interaction, recent advances in artificial intelligence have made this topic particularly significant. These novel technologies allow one to influence the decisions that users make, to gather data, and to profile and persuade users into unethical outcomes. These unethical outcomes can lead to psychological and emotional damage to users. To understand the role that ethics play in persuasive system design, we conducted an exhaustive systematic literature analysis and 20 interviews to overview ethical considerations for persuasive system design. Furthermore, we derive potential propositions for more ethical PSD and shed light on potential research gaps.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Towards Conversational Co-Creation of Learning Content in Digital Higher Education
    ( 2022-12-11)
    Benner, Dennis
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Today formal education like higher education relies on digital learning content like learning videos or quizzes. Using such online learning material enables students to learn independently from time and place. While improvements have been made, there are still many issues as the two-year long crisis in 2020 has revealed. Many offerings do not consider the learners’ needs and can result in unsuccessful learning. One way to address these short comings is to actively include learners in the creation process of learning content. However, co-creation oftentimes relies on face to face and or group settings that may not be possible for all students at all times. Therefore, we undertake a long-term action design research project to investigate the novel concept of conversational co-creation of learning material using a conversational agent and persuasive design to engage and motivate learners. In this article we present an early-stage prototype and concept of conversational co-creation.
  • Publication
    Can you help me scale? A Systematic Analysis of Scaling Capabilities of Conversational Agents for Digital Services
    ( 2022-02-21)
    Benner, Dennis
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Leimeister, Jan Marco
    Today’s servitized and digitalized society has significant implications for the economic system as value creation increasingly shifts towards digital services. Organizations are increasingly relying of artificial intelligence, which enables them to operate with novel technological artifacts like conversational agents (CA). These human-like AI-driven artifacts open new possibilities and channels for service providers to scale up their business even further and to create a business value or even to make processes more efficient. While we witness the results of that each day, we do not fully understand how such CAs can contribute to scaling up a business. Therefore, we conduct an analysis of service research and popular CAs to determine the status quo and highlight opportunities for scaling services with CAs. We contribute to theory by clarifying the meaning of scalability in combination with CAs and support practitioners by providing an overview about how organizations successfully scale their CAs.
  • Publication
    Level-Up your Learning - Introducing a Framework for Gamified Educational Conversational Agents
    ( 2022-02-21)
    Benner, Dennis
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Süess, Christoph
    Baechle, Vera
    Driven by circumstances like the global pandemic many learners and educators realize the importance and value of self-regulated digital learning. To better support self-regulated learning, conversational agents have become more relevant. Conversational agents can act as tutor or as learning mate for learners. Although conversational agents have potential to better support self-regulated learning processes, challenges exist requiring implications about how to make these interactions more engaging and supportive. This study discusses the value of gamified conversational learning chatbots that use game elements to engage learners to guide researchers and practitioners to design conversational agents that effectively motivate learners and provide self-regulated learning at the same time. Therefore, we propose a systematically developed framework for gamifying educational conversational agents and contribute to theory by consolidating several theories about games, digital learning, and conversational agents and support practitioners by providing implications about what to care about when gamifying conversational agents
  • Publication
    What do you mean? A Review on Recovery Strategies to Overcome Conversational Breakdowns of Conversational Agents
    ( 2021-12)
    Benner, Dennis
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Since the emergence of conversational agents, this technology has seen continuous development and research. Today, advanced conversational agents are virtually omnipresent in our everyday lives. Albeit the numerous improvements in their conversational capabilities, breakdowns are still a persistent issue. Such breakdowns can result in a very unpleasant experience for users and impair the future success of conversational agents. This issue has been acknowledged by many researchers recently. However, the research on strategies to overcome conversational breakdowns is still inconclusive, and further research is needed. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature analysis to derive conceptual conversational breakdown recovery strategies from literature and highlight future research avenues to address potential gaps. Thus, we contribute to theory of human-agent interaction by deriving and assessing recovery strategies and suggesting leads for novel recovery strategies.
  • Publication
    Exploring the State-of-the-Art of Persuasive Design for Smart Personal Assistants
    ( 2021-03-11)
    Benner, Dennis
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Driven by technological advances, smart personal assistants (SPA) have gained importance in human-computer interaction. SPAs can influence user behavior and persuade them towards an outcome. However, users often lack motivated to interact with SPAs. One way to support this interaction is persuasive system design; considering concepts as gamification and/or digital nudging. Although SPA research has increased recently, there is still no shared knowledge about persuasive designs. Therefore, we aim to identify the current state-of-the-art for persuasive SPA design to understand how interactions and designs can be improved referring to persuasive system design. Thus, we conduct a systematic literature analysis to represent how gamification and digital nudging are used to design SPAs and conclude if and how those concepts can support SPA interactions. Consequently, we contribute to theory, providing better understanding about SPA interaction and design making SPAs more engaging and entertaining. Practitioners can use this contribution for persuasive SPA designs.
  • Publication
    It is only for your own good, or is it? Ethical Considerations for Designing Ethically Conscious Persuasive Information Systems
    (Association for Information Systems, 2021-08-13)
    Benner, Dennis
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Persuasive designs, including gamification and digital nudging, have become well renowned during the last years and have been implemented successfully across different sectors including education, e-health, e-governance, e-finance and general information systems. In this regard, persuasive design can support desirable changes in attitude and behavior of users in order to achieve their own goals. However, such persuasive influence on individuals raises ethical questions as persuasive designs can impair the autonomy of users or persuade the user towards goals of a third party and hence lead to unethical decision-making processes. In human-computer interaction this is especially significant with the advent of advanced artificial intelligence that can emulate human behavior and thus bring new dynamics into play. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature analysis with the goal to compile an overview of ethical considerations for persuasive system design, derive potential guidelines for ethical persuasive designs and shed light on potential research gaps.