Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Engaging Minds – How Gamified Chatbots can Support and Motivate Learners in Digital Education
    ( 2024-01-06)
    Dennis Benner
    Sofia Schöbel
    Blended and online learning is growing, and self-regulated learning is becoming more relevant. Most often, students struggle with organizing their own learning processes, lose focus or procrastinate. Keeping learners motivated and engaged can be a real challenge. Therefore, we present gamified chatbots as a potential solution. On the one hand, chatbots can provide a more engaging learning experience. On the other hand, gamification can provide motivational incentives to keep learners engaged and motivated. So far, not many studies have elaborated on how gamification can be effectively used to make a chatbot interaction more engaging or improve the learning experience. This study uses an experimental approach to distinguish how a combination of badges and a progress bar can support and motivate learners to stay engaged with their learning activities. We elaborate on the effects of gamified chatbots and support practitioners with guidance on how to design gamified chatbots in education.
  • Publication
    Gamification of Online Training and its Relation to Engagement and Problem-solving Outcomes
    ( 2019-08-09)
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Hopp, Jennifer Christin
    Online training to teach students problem-solving skills is becoming increasingly important. However, due to the complexity of such training, it is challenging to keep learners motivated and engaged in the learning process. One concept that can be used to motivate and engage learners is gamification. Gamification is about using game elements in non-game contexts. Research is lack-ing on which determinants of gamification promote engagement and improve problem-solving out-comes in learning. Therefore, the goal of our study is to analyze how gamification can impact engagement, problem solving outcomes and their related constructs such as motivation in IT-based training. To achieve our goal, we conducted a randomized experiment by creating a gamified online training program to teach students how to construct and develop value proposition canvases. The results of our study indicate that engagement is a central construct for explaining the effects of gamification on problem-solving outcomes. Our results contribute to theory by explaining the meaning and role of motivation, engagement, and their influence on the problem-solving skills learned by the students. We contribute to practice by offering suggestions regarding the design of online training programs and how to make them more motivating and engaging to learners.
  • Publication