Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Publication
    Zum Datenschutz gestupst? Gestaltungsorientierte Entwicklung von Privacy Nudges vor dem Hintergrund ethischer und rechtlicher Leitlinien
    (Springer Vieweg, 2022-04-06)
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Schomberg, Sabrina
    Barev, Torben Jan
    Grote, Thomas
    Hornung, Gerrit
    Friedewald, Michael
    Kreutzer, Michael
    Hansen, Marit
  • Publication
    The Dark Side of Privacy Nudging – An Experimental Study in the Context of a Digital Work Environment
    ( 2021)
    Barev, Torben Jan
    Schwede, Melanie
    Privacy nudging is a promising method to get users to disclose less personal information in digital work environments. In this work, we tested two digital privacy nudges: a social and a framing nudge. To empirically measure the effectiveness of the two privacy nudges, we developed an online experiment. We evaluated 223 data sets with the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and a two-factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results indicate that privacy nudges negatively influence information disclosure behavior. The privacy framing nudge has a direct and indirect effect, while the privacy social nudge has only an indirect effect on the information disclosure behavior. Individuals exposed to the privacy nudges perceived the stimulus as threat. Importantly, both nudges spark negative feelings. With this research, we are contributing to the discussion of what drives privacy nudge effectiveness and influences information disclosure behavior in digital work environments.
  • Publication
    Mithilfe von Privacy Nudging zu rechtsverträglichen Videokonferenztools
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2021)
    Schomberg, Sabrina
    Dickhaut, Ernestine
    Barev, Torben Jan
  • Publication
    Designing Effective Privacy Nudges in Digital Environments: A Design Science Research Approach
    (Springer, Cham - Vinton G. Cerf Award., 2020)
    Barev, Torben Jan
    When using digital technologies, various data traces are left behind for collection, storage and analysis. Innovative solutions for information systems are needed that mitigate privacy risks and foster information privacy. One mechanism to achieve this is using privacy nudges. Nudges are a concept from behavioral eco-nomics to influence individual’s decisions. However, many nudges show low or at least less effects than choice architects hope for and expect. Therefore, this de-sign science research (DSR) project focusses on developing evidence-based de-sign principles for privacy nudges to improve their effectiveness and pave the way for more privacy sensitive IT systems. In this context, we adopt a DSR ap-proach from Vaishnavi & Kuechler. From a theoretical perspective, we are con-tributing to the discussion of what drives privacy sensitive behavior. We extend generic nudge design models, making them applicable in the context of data dis-closure. For practitioners, we provide guidance on how to design and implement effective privacy nudges in the user interface of digital work systems.
  • Publication
    Towards an Integrative Understanding of Privacy Nudging – Systematic Review and Research Agenda
    ( 2019-03-09)
    Barev, Torben Jan
    When using digital technologies, various data traces are left behind for collection, storage and analysis. Innovative solutions for information systems are needed that mitigate privacy risks and foster information privacy. One mechanism to achieve this are privacy nudges. Nudges are a concept from behavioural economics to influence individual’s decisions. This paper focusses on building an integrative understanding of privacy nudging. Specifically, we conceptualize the constituting characteristics of privacy nudges by conducting a systematic literature review to cover the current state of knowledge in the interdisciplinary privacy nudge literature stream. We structure the intrapersonal factors that determine effectiveness for each privacy nudge in a morphological box and conceptualize on this basis current research coverage as well as demand for future research. Finally, we develop theoretical propositions contributing to the discussion of how to study and design effective privacy nudges that can pave the way for more privacy sensitive IT systems.
  • Publication
    How Digital Nudges Influence Consumers – The Role of Social and Privacy Nudges in Retargeting
    ( 2018)
    Eigenbrod, Laura
    Retargeting is an innovative online marketing technique because it can provide consumer-specific advertising content based on consumers’ browsing behavior that meet consumers' prefer-ences and interests. Although this advertising form offers great opportunities of bringing back customers who have left an online store without to complete a purchase, retargeting is risky be-cause the necessary data collection leads to strong privacy concerns which in turn, trigger con-sumer reactance and decreasing trust. Digital nudges – small design modifications in digital choice environments which guide peoples’ behavior – present a promising concept to bypass these negative consequences of retargeting. In order to explore the positive effects of digital nudges in retargeting banners, we conducted a between-subject experiment with a subsequent survey which examines the impacts of social nudges (likes of friends) and privacy nudges (disclosure of privacy policy and purpose of retargeting banners). Whereas the social nudge led to a negative impact on consumers’ privacy concerns and a positive impact on consumers’ booking behavior, the privacy nudge did not have any significant impact. A combination of social nudge and privacy nudge showed that the privacy nudge negatively moderated the positive relationship between social nudge and consumers’ booking behavior. The derived implications provide a theory for under-standing nudges in digital environments and we offer design principles for practitioners that enable better retargeting outcomes.
  • Publication
    Nudging Privacy in Digital Work Systems – Towards the Development of a Design Theory
    ( 2018) ;
    Schöbel, Sofia
    Digitization changes our society, the way we work and the way we generate value in work systems. More precisely, it equally affects how business and employees organize their work. While there is a tremendous innovation potential for businesses such as more flexible and efficient work arrangements, there are also tremendous privacy risks. Such privacy risks especially relate to issues that employees leave data traces in every working step while being oftentimes not aware of their generated data. Employees leave data traces on intranet platforms such as Wikis and on external work tools such as Slack and reveal not only personal information but also company insights. At the same time companies must handle new privacy regulations such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which do not only affect companies in the European countries but also providers of information systems (IS) all around the world that offer their services in Europe. Thus, innovative approaches for considering challenges that exist because of privacy related issues are needed. A promising approach to overcome the aforementioned privacy issues of digital working environments is the application of digital nudges in IS – small design modifications in digital choice environments which guide peoples’ behavior (Weinmann et al. 2016). The nudge theory – originally derived from behavioral economics– is based on the irrational behavior of human beings. A nudge “is any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives” (Thaler and Sunstein 2008, p. 6) and is typically applied in offline environments, e.g., to nudge individuals for being organ donors through a default opt-in. By relying on the concept of nudging, individuals in digital work system could be nudged to improve their decisions when disclosing data. This is especially prevalent, since many individuals are not aware about how their data is used. As such, there is a lack of research regarding nudging in context of digital work systems and privacy which should be addressed in a socio-technical research approach. By examining the impact and perception of digital nudges in work systems, we want to shed light on the application, design and effects of nudges to overcome challenges that arise because of privacy related issues. We therefore first examine use cases and requirements for nudging in digital work system under the consideration of users, companies and other stakeholders. Since we draw on a socio-technical view, we incorporate requirements that relate to a legal as well as an ethical perspective for nudging privacy. By this means, we develop a design theory for privacy nudging by an iterative design and evaluation process in the field. The ultimate goal is to improve decisions concerning data disclosure and, secondary, increase by this means trust and acceptance of digital work systems by lowering privacy concerns. By developing a design theory, we contribute to the body of knowledge with a more profound understanding of digital nudging in the context of privacy as well as with prescriptive design knowledge for nudging in digital work systems.