Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Extension of Overbeck's Attack for Gabidulin Based Cryptosystems
    (Springer, 2018) ;
    Marshall, Kyle
    Rosenthal, Joachim
    Cryptosystems based on codes in the rank metric were introduced in 1991 by Gabidulin, Paramanov, and Tretjakov (GPT) and have been studied as a promising alternative to cryptosystems based on codes in the Hamming metric. In particular, it was observed that the combinatorial solution for solving the rank analogy of the syndrome decoding problem appears significantly harder. Early proposals were often made with an underlying Gabidulin code structure. Gibson, in 1995, made a promising attack which was later extended by Overbeck in 2008 to cryptanalyze many of the systems in the literature. Improved systems were then designed to resist the attack of Overbeck and yet continue to use Gabidulin codes. In this paper, we generalize Overbeck’s attack to break the GPT cryptosystem for all possible parameter sets, and then extend the attack to cryptanalyze particular variants which explicitly resist the attack of Overbeck.
  • Publication
    Extension of Overbeck’s attack for Gabidulin-based cryptosystems
    (Kluwer, 2017-04-28) ;
    Marshall, Kyle
    Rosenthal, Joachim
    Cryptosystems based on codes in the rank metric were introduced in 1991 by Gabidulin, Paramanov, and Tretjakov (GPT) and have been studied as a promising alternative to cryptosystems based on codes in the Hamming metric. In particular, it was observed that the combinatorial solution for solving the rank analogy of the syndrome decoding problem appears significantly harder. Early proposals were often made with an underlying Gabidulin code structure. Gibson, in 1995, made a promising attack which was later extended by Overbeck in 2008 to cryptanalyze many of the systems in the literature. Improved systems were then designed to resist the attack of Overbeck and yet continue to use Gabidulin codes. In this paper, we generalize Overbeck’s attack to break the GPT cryptosystem for all possible parameter sets, and then extend the attack to cryptanalyze particular variants which explicitly resist the attack of Overbeck.
    Scopus© Citations 25
  • Publication
    On the genericity of maximum rank distance and Gabidulin codes
    (Kluwer, 2017-04-08)
    Neri, Alessandro
    Randrianarisoa, Tovohery
    Rosenthal, Joachim
    We consider linear rank-metric codes in F_(q^m)^n. We show that the properties of being maximum rank distance (MRD) and non-Gabidulin are generic over the algebraic closure of the underlying field, which implies that over a large extension field a randomly chosen generator matrix generates an MRD and a non-Gabidulin code with high probability. Moreover, we give upper bounds on the respective probabilities in dependence on the extension degree m.
    Scopus© Citations 42
  • Publication
    Constructions of Constant Dimension Codes
    (Springer, 2018) ;
    Rosenthal, Joachim
    In this article we give an overview of general constructions of constant dimension codes, also called Grassmannian codes.