Now showing 1 - 10 of 31
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Densities of codes of various linearity degrees in translation-invariant metric spaces

2024 , Anina Gruica , Anna-Lena Horlemann , Nadja Willenborg , Alberto Ravagnani

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Security Considerations for McEliece-like Cryptosystems Based on Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes in the Sum-Rank Metric

2022 , Hörmann, Felicitas , Bartz, Hannes , Horlemann, Anna-Lena

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Random Construction of Partial MDS Codes

2020 , Neri, Alessandro , Horlemann, Anna-Lena

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Extension of Overbeck's Attack for Gabidulin Based Cryptosystems

2018 , Horlemann, Anna-Lena , Marshall, Kyle , Rosenthal, Joachim

Cryptosystems based on codes in the rank metric were introduced in 1991 by Gabidulin, Paramanov, and Tretjakov (GPT) and have been studied as a promising alternative to cryptosystems based on codes in the Hamming metric. In particular, it was observed that the combinatorial solution for solving the rank analogy of the syndrome decoding problem appears significantly harder. Early proposals were often made with an underlying Gabidulin code structure. Gibson, in 1995, made a promising attack which was later extended by Overbeck in 2008 to cryptanalyze many of the systems in the literature. Improved systems were then designed to resist the attack of Overbeck and yet continue to use Gabidulin codes. In this paper, we generalize Overbeck’s attack to break the GPT cryptosystem for all possible parameter sets, and then extend the attack to cryptanalyze particular variants which explicitly resist the attack of Overbeck.

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The Subfield Metric and Applications to Quantum Error Correction

2024 , Markus Grassl , Anna-Lena Horlemann , Violetta Weger

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Information set decoding in the Lee metric with applications to cryptography

2021 , Horlemann, Anna-Lena , Weger, Violetta

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Equivalence and Characterizations of Linear Rank-Metric Codes Based on Invariants

2020 , Neri, Alessandro , Puchinger, Sven , Horlemann, Anna-Lena

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On the hardness of the Lee syndrome decoding problem

2024 , Weger, Violetta , Khathuria, Karan , Horlemann, Anna-Lena , Battglioni, Massimo , Santini, Paolo , Persichetti, Edoardo

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A Complete Classification of Partial-MDS (Maximally Recoverable) Codes with One Global Parity

2020 , Horlemann, Anna-Lena , Neri, Alessandro

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t-Private Information Retrieval Schemes Using Transitive Codes

2019-09 , Freij-Hollanti, Ragnar , Gnilke, Oliver , Hollanti, Camilla , Horlemann, Anna-Lena , Karpuk, David , Kubjas, Ivo