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  • Publication
    Actualizing Affordances: A Socio-Technical Perspective on Big Data Analytics in the Automotive Sector
    Big data analytics affects organization in multiple ways, among others in regard to (1) new task possibilities for companies (i.e., affordances), (2) required technology implementations, (3) the development of peoples’ capabilities as well as a data-driven culture, and (4) the implementation of organizational structures that ensure collaboration across departmental boundaries. Drawing on a multiple-case study approach, we use affordance theory in conjunction with socio-technical systems theory to elaborate ex-ante required organizational changes as well as the subsequent actualization of big data analytics affordances. First results indicate that to actualize big data analytics’ affordances the successful adaption of components within the socio-technical system (i.e., actors, structures, and technology) is necessary. In this article, we report on our research design as well as preliminary results of an initial case analysis discussing organizational antecedents for the actualization of big data analytics affordances.