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Das geht doch auch alles online, oder? Chancen und Herausforderungen von Online-Events zur Schreibberatung – „Schreibnacht“ und „Zitiertag online“

2022-09 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika

The experiences gained from online teaching 2020 and 2021 have led to the rapid development of many online formats. Using the example of the University of St. Gallen, this article examines the opportunities and challenges of online events for academic writing. Based on two examples, the „Night of Writing Skills“ and the innovative „Citation Day“, an event especially designed for online citation support, this article examines these academic writing events as parts of new learning environments and a modern and contemporary design of teaching.

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Innen und Außen als Einheit konstruktivistische Weltsicht in Naturdarstellungen von Hesses Siddhartha.

2021 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika , Battiston, Régine , Goldblum, Sonia

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Text- Dessous : Der Skandalautor Leopold von Sacher- Masoch und die Kategorie der Perversion in "Die Liebe Des Plato"

2014 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika , Bartl, Andrea

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Texte(n) in endlosen Weiten Der Traum von Autorschaft im epubli-Ratgeber „Erfolgreiches Selfpublishing“

2023-08 , Carina Ulrika Gröner

Ob literarisch oder wissenschaftlich, das Publizieren eines eigenen Buches ist für viele Menschen noch wichtig, ja vielleicht sogar ein Lebenstraum. Um das kostengünstig verwirklichen zu können gibt es mittlerweile verschiedene Selfpublishing- Anbieter, die diesen Traum vom eigenen Buch scheinbar in greibarbe und bezahlbare Nähe rücken. Dieser Artikel rezensiert den Ratgeber "Erfolgreiches Selfpublishing" der Plattform epubli.

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Textgewebe. Goethes Erzähler in den Wilhelm-Meister Romanen

2019-06 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika

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Kollaborationen an der Universität St.Gallen- Offene Schreibberatung in der Bibliothek als gemeinsamer Service von Bibliothek und Writing Lab

2019-06-29 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika , Haas, Edeltraud

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Peripherie der Moderne : Buddhistische Motive und die Dekonstruktion institutionalisierter Religion in Hermann Hesses "Siddhartha"

2013 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika , Haberland, Detlef , Horváth, Géza

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"Ja das Nehmen und das Geben..." : Brieffreundschaft zwischen Lebensaufgabe und Geschäftsmodell: Die Hesse-Sammlungen in der Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana St. Gallen

2012 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika

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Seduced by Preconditions: The Eroticism of Power, Money and Love in Goethe, Sacher-Masoch and E.L. James

2018 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika , Kaminski, Johannes D.

“Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.” This famous quotation, which is often wrongly attributed to Oscar Wilde, refers to the unspoken preconditions that underlie all social structures as well as the communication about them. But these preconditions are of course also important for artworks, erotic artworks in particular. Therefore, what we consider to be erotic is closely connected with social preconditions, like power or money and the unlikelihood of their perfect occurrence. For Niklas Luhmann, the German social theorist, power, money and sex serve as emblematic communication media for the individual to find, express and communicate his or her position in society . So narratives of erotic situations do not only amuse us, they also teach us about the preconditions of social positioning and possible upward social mobility. In Johann Wolfgang Goethe´s The sorrows of young Werther , love serves as a code for intimacy and the communication about it and this love code becomes a moral legitimisation for erotic activity since then. Originated in the historical period where the love code is appearing, the novel also shows the limits of this code. In Leopold von Sacher- Masoch´s short stories Katharina II about Empress Catherine the Great of Russia, power serves as a symbolically generalized communication medium in erotic situations. In the stories we sometimes find power as simple threats, which are then followed in order to avoid negative consequences. But more interestingly we often find power as the communication medium of politics, by using powerful women in military positions and with military costumes as actresses in erotic situations. In E.L. James` Shades of Grey trilogy money and economic success work as symbolically generalized communication media and here the underlying motivations are most evident: Anastasia exchanges her innocence against social promotion, Christian gets an obedient sexual partner shaped after his wishes in exchange for his economic status. However, like in many cases of economic motivations in erotic situations, the communication thereabout is implicit. Instead the love code is used again as a moral legitimization.

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Bilder schreiben - Texte sehen. Ekphrasis in "Klingsors letzter Sommer"

2011 , Gröner, Carina Ulrika , Herwig, Henriette , Singh, Sikander