Now showing 1 - 10 of 156
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Increasing Brand Attractiveness and Sales Through Social Media Comments on Public Displays - Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Retail Industry

, Dubach Spiegler, E. , Hildebrand, Christian , Michahelles, F.

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Friend or Fiend? Disentangling Upward Humor’s (De)Stabilizing Effects on Hierarchies

2023 , Gloor, J. , Niels Van Quaquebeke , Seong M. Cho , Christian Alexander Hildebrand

Humor research in organizations focuses on leaders’ humor, but we know far less about followers’ humor. Here, we review and synthesize the scattered work on this “upward humor,” offering a novel framing of it as a strategy for followers to deal with hierarchies. We propose a continuum of upward humor from stabilizing (i.e., a friend who uses upward humor to reinforce hierarchies, make hierarchies more bearable or stable) to destabilizing (i.e., a fiend who uses upward humor to question or reshape existing hierarchies) depending on perceived intent (i.e., from benevolent to malicious, respectively) and outline key factors that shape these interpretations. We close with novel questions and methods for future research such as power plays, multi-modal data, and human-robot interactions.

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Human-Like Movements of Industrial Robots Positively Impact Observer Perception

2022 , Hostettler, Damian , Mayer, S. , Hildebrand, Christian Alexander

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A Strategy Framework to Boost Conversational AI Performance

2021-07 , Hildebrand, Christian Alexander , Hundertmark, S.

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Machine Talk: How Verbal Embodiment in Conversational AI Shapes Consumer-Brand Relationships

2023-03-02 , Bergner, Anouk Samantha , Hildebrand, Christian Alexander , Häubl, Gerald

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Friend or fiend? Disentangling upward humor's (De)stabilizing effects on hierarchies

2023-10 , Jamie Gloor , Niels Van Quaquebeke , Mihwa Seong , Petra Schmid , Christian Alexander Hildebrand , Brad Bitterly , Maurice Schweitzer

Humor research in organizations focuses on leaders' humor, but we know far less about followers' humor. Here, we review and synthesize the scattered work on this "upward humor," offering a novel framing of it as a strategy for followers to deal with hierarchies. We propose a continuum of upward humor from stabilizing (i.e., a friend who uses upward humor to reinforce hierarchies, make hierarchies more bearable or stable) to destabilizing (i.e., a fiend who uses upward humor to question or reshape existing hierarchies) depending on perceived intent (i.e., from benevolent to malicious, respectively) and outline key factors that shape these interpretations. We close with novel questions and methods for future research such as power plays, multi-modal data, and human-robot interactions.

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Voice bots on the frontline: Voice-based interfaces enhance flow-like consumer experiences & boost service outcomes

2022-06-21 , Zierau, Naim , Hildebrand, Christian Alexander , Bergner, Anouk Samantha , Busquet I Segui, Francesc , Schmitt, Anuschka , Leimeister, Jan Marco

Voice-based interfaces provide new opportunities for firms to interact with consumers along the customer journey. The current work demonstrates across four studies that voice-based (as opposed to text-based) interfaces promote more flow-like user experiences, resulting in more positively-valenced service experiences, and ultimately more favorable behavioral firm outcomes (i.e., contract renewal, conversion rates, and consumer sentiment). Moreover, we also provide evidence for two important boundary conditions that reduce such flow-like user experiences in voice-based interfaces (i.e., semantic disfluency and the amount of conversational turns). The findings of this research highlight how fundamental theories of human communication can be harnessed to create more experiential service experiences with positive downstream consequences for consumers and firms. These findings have important practical implications for firms that aim at leveraging the potential of voice-based interfaces to improve consumers' service experiences and the theory-driven ''conversational design'' of voice-based interfaces.

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Understanding and Improving Consumer Reactions to Service Bots

2023-12 , Castelo, N. , Boegershausen, J. , Hildebrand, Christian Alexander , Henkel, A.

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MindMiner: Uncovering Linguistic Markers of Mind Perception as a New Lens to Understand Consumer-Smart Object Relationships

2023-07-27 , Jochen Hartmann , Anouk Samantha Bergner , Christian Alexander Hildebrand

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Conversational Commerce

2021 , Hildebrand, Christian Alexander