Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Changing information retrieval behaviours: An empirical investigation of users' cognitive processes in the choice of location-based services
    (Operational Research Society, 2014-09-01)
    Constantiou, Ioanna
    Hess, Thomas
    The introduction of smartphones and the accompanying profusion of mobile data services have had a profound effect on individuals' lives. One of the most influential service categories is location-based services (LBS). Based on insights from behavioural decision-making, a conceptual framework is developed to analyse individuals' decisions to use LBS, focusing on the cognitive processes involved in the decision-making. Our research is based on two studies. First, we investigate the use of LBS through semi-structured interviews of smartphone users. Second, we explore daily LBS use through a study based on diaries. The findings highlight that the decision to use LBS can be described by either a comparative mode based on the value of LBS in relation to other available options, or an intuitive mode in which past experiences trigger the use of heuristics. These modes in turn have positive influences on the continuance of LBS use and indicate changes in individuals' information retrieval behaviours in everyday life. In particular, the distinct value dimension of LBS in specific contexts of use changes individuals' behaviours towards accessing location-related information.
    Scopus© Citations 26
  • Publication
    A Cognitive Processes Analysis of Individuals' Use of Location-based Services
    (Aalto University, School of Economics, 2011-06-10) ;
    Constantiou, Ioanna
    Hess, Thomas
    Tuunainen, Virpi
    Nandhakumar, Joe
    Rossi, Matti
    Soliman, W.
    The recent profusion of smartphones in the mobile industry offers new opportunities for mobile services vendors. One of the most influenced service categories is location-based services (LBS). Based on insights from behavioural decision-making, a theoretical framework is developed to analyse individuals' decisions to use LBS. We focus on the cognitive processes involved in individual decision-making. Our research is based on two studies. First, we investigated the use of LBS through semi-structured interviews of smartphone users. Second, we explored daily LBS use through a study based on diaries. The findings highlight the distinct value dimension in specific contexts of use and the positive experiences of the service as the main drivers of LBS use. Thus, the user decision to use LBS can be described by either a comparative mode based on the value of LBS in relation to other available options, or by an intuitive mode where past experiences trigger the use of heuristics. These modes in turn underscore the positive influences on the continuance of LBS use.
  • Publication
    Exploring use patterns and perceived value of location-based services
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2010-06-13) ;
    Constantiou, Ioanna
    Hess, Thomas
    The recent impressive diffusion of smartphones in the mobile industry offers new opportunities to mobile services vendors. One of the most influenced service categories are location-based services. In the present study we investigate the use of location-based services. Based on insights from behavioural decision making a theoretical framework is developed to analyse the individual decision to use location-based services and to identify the factors influencing use. Through a qualitative study based on LBS users' interviews, we find that the distinct value dimension and the positive experiences from the service use are the main drivers, pivotal to the continuance of use.
    Scopus© Citations 4