Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Publication
    The Generative Mechanisms Behind Technology-Enabled Changes in Health Behavior
    Wearables are used to help motivate individuals to trade their unhealthful behaviors for beneficial ones, thereby preventing the diseases of affluence, which are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. However, inconclusive study results regarding the effectiveness of wearables raise questions about the outcomes of using wearables. Research on the topic paints an ambiguous picture regarding the support wearables offer users in performing beneficial health-related behaviors, leaving the underlying mechanisms of wearable use and its outcomes unexplained. We seek to fill this gap in the literature by means of a critical realist study based on thirty narrative interviews with long-term users of wearables. By identifying seven generative mechanisms that drive users’ interactions with wearables and the subsequent cognitive and behavioral outcomes of that use, we answer the research question concerning how and why users’ interactions with wearables can facilitate positive behavioral and cognitive outcomes. The study makes several contributions to theory and practice.
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  • Publication
    How Behavior Change Support Systems Influence Self-Efficacy: A Qualitative Study Using Wearables
    Although Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS) are gaining ground in the field of health in-terventions, we lack an empirically grounded understanding of how the behavior change tech-niques (BCTs) that are implemented in BCSS influence behavioral outcomes. Based on the self-efficacy theory, we conduct narrative interviews to investigate the process along which BCTs ap-plied in wearable activity trackers (WATs) influence users’ perceived self-efficacy and behaviors. We find three patterns that show how WATs’ BCTs feed certain information sources on which users build their self-efficacy beliefs. We identify a positive path (i.e., high self-efficacy, leading to com-pliant behavior) and a negative path (i.e., low self-efficacy, leading to non-compliant behavior) for each of these patterns. Our findings indicate that, under certain circumstances and/or at a cer-tain level of task difficulty, BCTs inflict adverse effects on users’ perceptions of their self-efficacy and their subsequent behavioral responses. Our results provide insights for theory and practice into how BCSS affect perceptions of self-efficacy and behavior change.
  • Publication
    Understanding the Habitual Use of Wearable Activity Trackers
    (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2019) ; ;
    Given the large discrepancy between rates at which wearable activity trackers (WATs) are initially adopted and their continued use, the question concerning how sustainable use emerges arises. While IS research has found habit an important driver of sustained use, the mechanisms of habit formation have been left unexplored. To address this research gap, we conducted narrative interviews to investigate the habit-formation mechanisms behind the use of WATs. We identified two drivers of habitual WAT use and constructed five narratives that provide insights into the habit-formation processes of WAT users and possible interrupting factors. Our results provide a valuable basis for both theory and practice in explaining how sustained WAT use develops.
  • Publication
    Digital Nudging: Altering User Behavior in Digital Environments
    Individuals make increasingly more decisions on screens, such as those on websites or mobile apps. However, the nature of screens and the vast amount of information available online make individuals particularly prone to deficient decisions. Digital nudging is an approach based on insights from behavioral economics that applies user interface (UI) design elements to affect the choices of users in digital environments. UI design elements include graphic design, specific content, wording or small features. To date, little is known about the psychological mechanisms that underlie digital nudging. To address this research gap, we conducted a systematic literature review and provide a comprehensive overview of relevant psychological effects and exemplary nudges in the physical and digital sphere. These insights serve as a valuable basis for researchers and practitioners that aim to study or design information systems and interventions that assist user decision making on screens.
  • Publication
    Channel Integration Towards Omnichannel Management: A Literature Review
    (College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, 2016-06-27) ; ;
    The evolution of technology and the constant digitalisation strongly influence how consumers behave, how markets develop, and how companies and consumers interact. By offering many channels, companies attempt to react to these developments. In recent years, researchers as well as practitioners have proposed omnichannel management as the best approach to offer several channels. An omnichannel strategy enables consumers to use channels seamlessly and interchangeably and experience the channels uniquely. However, reality looks different: many channel management approaches coexist in practice, and in research, terms to describe different concepts are used without clear distinctions. This paper seeks to eliminate ambiguities regarding the term omnichannel management. By delimiting the term from related approaches and understanding current topics discussed by omnichannel management research, this paper creates a common basis from which to fully understand the concept. Omnichannel management has shown relevance in many areas, but particularly in retailing, marketing, and information systems (IS) research. IS plays an important role in the implementation of the omnichannel approach because obstacles are often technology-related and companies are strongly dependent on information technology (IT). To move research on omnichannel management forward, this paper proposes directions for further research.
  • Publication
    Transitioning to an Omnichannel Approach: A Dynamic Capability Perspective
    (Association for Information Systems, 2016) ; ;
    The proliferation of digital devices and services has fundamentally changed consumer behavior and needs, and thus the way consumers engage with firms. Many consumers want to engage with firms across all channels, enjoying seamless switching and simultaneous use. Within this dynamic channel environment, the omnichannel concept has been proposed as an appropriate approach to fulfill these demands. However, in practice, many firms do not yet provide an omnichannel experience and need to transform. With this research-in-progress paper, we outline our approach to investigating this phenomenon based on the concept of dynamic capabilities. With insight gained through a multiple case study approach, we hope to give practitioners decision support and researchers new stimuli for further research by identifying best practice dynamic capabilities for transitioning to omnichannel management.
  • Publication
    A System Architecture for Integrating User Activities in Social Networks with Customer Relationship Management
    (Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2016)
    Rosenberger, Marcel
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    Nissen, Volker
    Stelzer, Dirk
    Straßburger, Steffen
    Fischer, Daniel
    Companies have long recognised that their participation in social networks is expected by existing and new potential customers, who request support, provide feedback to products they own, post complaints and exchange views about the company, for example. Information systems are required for identifying relevant user activities that must be dealt with in a given time. Therefore, existing social media tools provide analytical functions. The integration of these tools and/or social networks directly with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, however, is still sparse. We propose a system architecture for integrating user activities in social networks with CRM, which describes eight subsystems and serves as a construction plan to implement an integration software. The research follows the process of a design science research and includes proposed components of related system models from existing literature. Parts of the architecture have been evaluated in the context of a software-prototype that creates opportunity-tickets based on new posts, and thereby triggers the lead management process of a consulting company.
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    Ein Datenmodell zur Unterstützung der Datenintegration von Nutzeraktivitäten aus verschiedenen sozialen Netzwerken
    (Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2016-03)
    Rosenberger, Marcel
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    Nissen, Volker
    Stelzer, Dirk
    Straßburger, Steffen
    Fischer, Daniel
  • Publication
    Exploring affordances of business intelligence & analytics with regard to customer-oriented work practices
    (College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, 2016-06-27) ; ;
    The proliferation of digital technologies enhances the possibilities for collecting customer data. This has tremendously increased the interest in the use of business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) to generate knowledge about customers’ behaviour, preferences and demands. Firms have recognised the potential of BI&A; however, they are still unsure about the exact action possibilities of BI&A to enhance their customer orientation. Thus, in this paper, we aim to identify the functional affordances of BI&A with regard to the establishment of customer-oriented work practices. We conducted an interpretive single case study of a bank in Switzerland. Our results reveal seven affordances from the firm’s perspective. These findings enable us to explain how BI&A may be used in the case-study organisation and what its potential outcomes are. Moreover, we highlight the contributions of BI&A to a firm’s customer response and customer orientation capabilities.