Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Publication
    Types of State Capability for Women's and Gender Equality Policies : Worldwide Comparison with a Structure - Based Approach
    To what extent do states' structures of gender equality architecture vary? Earlier research found no clear cut patterns in women's policy agencies. Idiosyncrasy might be the inconvenient and challenging rule for researchers. By using the best data currently available, this paper examines the institutional variation of institutional architecture worldwide. It identities the identical, unique, similar and diametric institutional architecture of 151 countries (synchronic, 2007-2010). What are the implications for research? The secondary analysis of cross-sectional, textual data maps institutional variations, reduces complexity and shows how researchers can work with the marked institutional variety in gender equality polity.
  • Publication
    Types of State Capability for Women's and Gender Equality Policies : Worldwide comparison with a structure-based approach
    What sorts of institutional arrangements do states use to deliver women's and gender equality policies? State capability is conceptualised over the structures, the entirety of all women's policy agencies in one state. This paper discusses a conceptual framework enabling large scale comparisons of state capability in women's and gender equality policies. The typology of institutional architecture gives the current situation in 151 countries. Analysis of most actual and comprehensive data reveals that states employ a wide institutional variety of state capability. Despite various forms of heterogeneity, there are global blueprints of current state capability for women and gender equality.
  • Publication
    Comparing WPAs Globally : Classification for the 21st century
    On a global scale, this conceptual paper provides a framework for comparing a particular structure inside current statehood: the Women's Policy Agency (WPA). A WPA is an entity in the state assigned to deliver policies for Women's Empowerment and of promotion of Gender Equality (WEGE). Previous research has focused mainly on case studies and small n comparisons in intensive research designs. This study comes up with a classification to compare WPAs on a global level in an extensive research design. The most actual and comprehensive available data are taken to develop the view of states of their WPAs. Globally, states use currently 13 different kinds of WPAs. There are WPAs in all four sectors of governmental action (executive, legislative, judiciary, and outside). A WPA is circumscribed by its location and scope in the state and public administration. The paper lays the basis for global comparison of current types of state capability in WEGE. For the 21st century, classification is able to become enlarged if further new kinds of WPAs emerge.
  • Publication
    State Capability in WEGE : Worldwide comparison with a structure-based approach
    What sorts of institutional arrangements do states use to deliver women's or gender equality policies? This empirical article discusses results of a worldwide comparison of current state capability for women's empowerment and of promotion of gender equality (WEGE) policies. State capability in WEGE is the entirety of all women's policy agencies (WPAs) in one state. State capability in WEGE is measured over the occurrence of different kinds of WPAs in four sectors of governmental action: executive, legislative, judiciary, and outside (E, L, J, and O). WPAs are the structural basis of the typology of current state capability in WEGE. Analysis of most actual and comprehensive data for 151 states reveals that states employ a wide variety of state capability in WEGE. Meaning there are different types of combinations of WPAs. Currently, states use 13 different types of state capability in WEGE. There is one state without any sort of state capability in WEGE. 16 per cent of states employ WPAs in all four sectors: E, L, J, and O. Along the occurrence of the sectors this type is called Type ELJO. Bi-sectoral and trisectoral state capabilities are common. Many types entail a heterogeneous cluster of states. Despite the empirical relevance of structural complexity, there are global blueprints of current state capability in WEGE.
  • Publication
    Swiss WPAs 1970-2006 : What is there?
    Studies on state structures furthering women's status and gender equality in Switzerland are lacking. This paper is first to provide insights on women's policy agencies (WPA) between 1970 and 2006 in Switzerland. What have been governments policies towards these state structures? Meta-analysis of 26 case studies based on document analysis and validating interviews give basic features of the cantonal backbone of Swiss women's policy machinery. Switzerland's lack of membership in the European Union makes it an interesting contrasting case in comparison to EU-centered research. Swiss WPAs emerged latter than in other countries and are rather weak. Federalism and direct democracy have marked range and maintenance of WPAs. Their ability to avoid dismantling after elections is noteworthy in light of developments during the last 15 years.
  • Publication
    Women's Citizenship in Switzerland : What Can we Learn from the Institutionalization of Women's Policy Machinery (WPM)?
    In the last 35 years Switzerland witnessed a specific form of Institutionalization of Women's Policy Machinery (WPM) on all levels of government. One can learn a great deal on citizenship of women in Switzerland from these structures inside the state. Women's movement, women's organizations, women in parliament and men in executive power have been crucial for the establishment and maintenance of women's policy offices, women's commissions and gender equality offices in Switzerland. At least on cantonal level most cantons run a gender equality office. Along the lines of descriptive and substantial representation their structural strengths and weaknesses are able to estimate how far women became citizen in Switzerland between 1975 and 2005. The enduring political struggle over gender equality agencies is one piece of a larger struggle of women taking place in political processes. The institutionalization of Women's Policy Machinery as a global phenomena pushed by the United Nations on their way to become the international level of government above national states had clearly an impact on Switzerland.
  • Publication
    Women's Policy Agencies and Institutional Architecture in Comparison : Building Blocks for Equal Gender Relations
    (Difo-Druck, 2014)
    This dissertation analyses women's policy agencies (WPAs) and their institutional architecture within different states. In other research often referred to as women's policy machineries, the institutional architecture encompasses the combination of all WPAs per state designated to promote women's empowerment and gender equality. They are the building blocks for equal gender relations. These new institutions and state infrastructures are of interest for comparative research, diffusion literature and state feminism. My research questions focus on the peculiarities of WPAs and institutional architecture and the explanation of the later. The global comparison covers the current situation (2007-2010) in 151 states worldwide. I tested the characterisation of WPAs developed by Berkovitch as standard features of modern statehood. The dissertation employed an integrated mixed-methods approach. An inductive, secondary analysis of cross-sectional text data supplied a new definition of WPAs, a new classification system and two typologies. States perceptions of WPAs were derived from UN DAW survey data. Information on existing entities was processed qualitatively by iterating through coding entities, conceptualizing relevant dimensions and entities, and developing graphical representations in a non-linear way of theorizing. Hypotheses testing using aggregated data explained variations of institutional architecture. One hypothesis was tested visually on a world map. The newly developed classification of WPA forms distinguishes WPAs by setting and scope of action (Chapter 1-2, and 5). States currently employ a wide range of WPAs forms (Chapter 7) and have created varying institutional architecture worldwide (Chapter 6 and 8). However, specified state capability remains limited presently. My tested hypotheses explain the variety of institutional architecture found in part (Chapter 3 and 9). The recurrent attribute of present-day specified state capability is heterogeneity, which is found in WPA forms, types of institutional architecture, and countries involved. The depiction of all 151 states is made tangible using a 3D-model visualising institutional complexity.
  • Publication
    Comparing Women's Policy Agencies Globally : Classification for the 21st century
    On a global scale, this conceptual paper provides a framework for comparing a particular structure inside current statehood: the Women's Policy Agency (WPA). A WPA is an entity in the state assigned to deliver policies for Women's Empowerment and of promotion of Gender Equality (WEGE). Previous research on State Feminism has focused mainly on case studies and small n comparisons in intensive research designs. By using Feminist Institutionalism this study comes up with a new classification to compare WPAs on a global level in an extensive research design. The most actual and comprehensive available data are taken to develop the view of states of their WPAs. Globally, states use currently 13 different kinds of WPAs. There are WPAs in all four sectors of governmental action (executive, legislative, judiciary, and outside). A WPA is circumscribed by its location and scope in the state and public administration. The paper gives a prospect on further development of new kinds of WPAs and lays the basis for global comparison of current types of state capability in WEGE.