Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Federated Continual Learning to Detect Accounting Anomalies in Financial Auditing
    ( 2022-12-02) ; ; ;
    Vasarhelyi, Miklos A.
    The International Standards on Auditing (ISA) require auditors to collect reasonable assurance that financial statements are free of material misstatement. At the same time, a central objective of Continuous Assurance is the real-time assessment of digital accounting journal entries. Recently, driven by the advances in artificial intelligence, Deep Learning techniques have emerged in financial auditing to examine vast quantities of accounting data. However, learning highly adaptive audit models in decentralized and dynamic settings remains challenging. It requires the study of data distribution shifts over multiple clients and time periods. In this work, we propose a Federated Continual Learning framework enabling auditors to learn audit models from decentral clients continuously. We evaluate the framework's ability to detect accounting anomalies in common scenarios of organizational activity. Our empirical results, using real-world datasets and combined federated-continual learning strategies, demonstrate the learned model's ability to detect anomalies in audit settings of data distribution shifts.
  • Publication
    Leaking Sensitive Financial Accounting Data in Plain Sight using Deep Autoencoder Neural Networks
    (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021-02-09) ;
    Schulze, Christian
    Nowadays, organizations collect vast quantities of sensitive information in 'Enterprise Resource Planning' (ERP) systems, such as accounting relevant transactions, customer master data, or strategic sales price information. The leakage of such information poses a severe threat for companies as the number of incidents and the reputational damage to those experiencing them continue to increase. At the same time, discoveries in deep learning research revealed that machine learning models could be maliciously misused to create new attack vectors. Understanding the nature of such attacks becomes increasingly important for the (internal) audit and fraud examination practice. The creation of such an awareness holds in particular for the fraudulent data leakage using deep learning-based steganographic techniques that might remain undetected by state-of-the-art 'Computer Assisted Audit Techniques' (CAATs). In this work, we first introduce a real-world 'threat model' designed to leak sensitive accounting data. Second, we show that a deep steganographic process, constituted by three neural networks, can be trained to hide such data in unobtrusive 'day-to-day' images. Finally, we provide qualitative and quantitative evaluations on two publicly available real-world payment datasets.
  • Publication
    Adversarial Learning of Deepfakes in Accounting
    (Cornell University - arXiv, 2019-12-13) ;
    Sattarov, Timur
    Reimer, Bernd
    Nowadays, organizations collect vast quantities of accounting relevant transactions, referred to as 'journal entries', in 'Enterprise Resource Planning' (ERP) systems. The aggregation of those entries ultimately defines an organization's financial statement. To detect potential misstatements and fraud, international audit standards demand auditors to directly assess journal entries using 'Computer Assisted AuditTechniques' (CAATs). At the same time, discoveries in deep learning research revealed that machine learning models are vulnerable to 'adversarial attacks'. It also became evident that such attack techniques can be misused to generate 'Deepfakes' designed to directly attack the perception of humans by creating convincingly altered media content. The research of such developments and their potential impact on the finance and accounting domain is still in its early stage. We believe that it is of vital relevance to investigate how such techniques could be maliciously misused in this sphere. In this work, we show an adversarial attack against CAATs using deep neural networks. We first introduce a real-world 'thread model' designed to camouflage accounting anomalies such as fraudulent journal entries. Second, we show that adversarial autoencoder neural networks are capable of learning a human interpretable model of journal entries that disentangles the entries latent generative factors. Finally, we demonstrate how such a model can be maliciously misused by a perpetrator to generate robust 'adversarial' journal entries that mislead CAATs.
  • Publication
    Detection of Accounting Anomalies in the Latent Space using Adversarial Autoencoder Neural Networks
    ( 2019-08-05) ;
    Sattarov, Timur
    Schulze, Christian
    Reimer, Bernd
    The detection of fraud in accounting data is a long-standing challenge in financial statement audits. Nowadays, the majority of applied techniques refer to handcrafted rules derived from known fraud scenarios. While fairly successful, these rules exhibit the drawback that they often fail to generalize beyond known fraud scenarios and fraudsters gradually find ways to circumvent them. In contrast, more advanced approaches inspired by the recent success of deep learning often lack seamless interpretability of the detected results. To overcome this challenge, we propose the application of adversarial autoencoder networks. We demonstrate that such artificial neural networks are capable of learning a semantic meaningful representation of real-world journal entries. The learned representation provides a holistic view on a given set of journal entries and significantly improves the interpretability of detected accounting anomalies. We show that such a representation combined with the networks reconstruction error can be utilized as an unsupervised and highly adaptive anomaly assessment. Experiments on two datasets and initial feedback received by forensic accountants underpinned the effectiveness of the approach.
  • Publication
    Detection of Anomalies in Large Scale Accounting Data using Deep Autoencoder Neural Networks
    (Cornell University - arXiv, 2018-08-01) ;
    Sattarov, Timur
    Dengel, Andreas
    Reimer, Bernd
    Learning to detect fraud in large-scale accounting data is one of the long-standing challenges in financial statement audits or fraud investigations. Nowadays, the majority of applied techniques refer to handcrafted rules derived from known fraud scenarios. While fairly successful, these rules exhibit the drawback that they often fail to generalize beyond known fraud scenarios and fraudsters gradually find ways to circumvent them. To overcome this disadvantage and inspired by the recent success of deep learning, we propose the application of deep autoencoder neural networks to detect anomalous journal entries. We demonstrate that the trained network's reconstruction error obtainable for a journal entry and regularized by the entry's individual attribute probabilities can be interpreted as a highly adaptive anomaly assessment. Experiments on two real-world datasets of journal entries show the effectiveness of the approach resulting in high f1-scores of 32.93 (dataset A) and 16.95 (dataset B) and less false positive alerts compared to state of the art baseline methods. Initial feedback received by chartered accountants and fraud examiners underpinned the quality of the approach in capturing highly relevant accounting anomalies.