Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Toward a Greater Understanding of Proactive Customer Orientation: Construct and Scale Development
    (American Marketing Association, 2011-08-05) ; ; ;
    Noble, S.
    This work is devoted to the question of how managers can successfully probe latent needs and uncover future needs of customers, labeled as proactive customer orientation. Based on an observation of specialized proactive customer-oriented departments, expert interviews, workshops with managers, and a meta-analysis of existing research, two dimensions of proactive customer orientation are defined, proactive customer-oriented climate and proactive customer-oriented processes. New scales are developed for the two constructs, and the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the second-order measurement models are supported by an empirical study of 218 business-to-business firms and 202 business-to-consumers firms
  • Publication
    Developing the Market Together : Scale Development and Performance Implications of Co-Marketing Capability
    (American Marketing Association, 2011-08-05) ; ; ;
    Noble, S.
    The ability to successfully manage interfirm alliances is acknowledged as a sustainable source of competitive advantage. However, alliances pose significant management challenges because the danger of serious conflict and opportunism is always present. Thus an integrated understanding of which capabilities allow firms to successfully manage co-marketing alliances is necessary. We address this gap and conceptualize co-marketing capability, develop a new scale for its measurement, and explore its relationship to alliance performance. Drawing on in-depth interviews with marketing alliance managers and a survey of 287 chief marketing officers, we empirically show that co-marketing capability substantially contribute to marketing alliance success