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Nicht für alle gleich: subjektive Wahrnehmungen des Übergangs Schule - Hochschule

2014-12-21 , Brahm, Taiga , Jenert, Tobias , Wagner, Dietrich

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The need, potential and challenges of fostering reflection in higher education learning environments

2016-09-09 , Wagner, Dietrich , Pindues, Lisa , Gommers, Luci

The symposium will discuss reflection from three different perspectives, all related to the question how reflection can be fostered in higher education learning environments. At first different models will be discussed and compared with the main question how these models can be used to foster reflection. The other two presentations will be on a methodical level. More precisely, we will have a closer look at the question how reflection can be fostered in two fields, the first being study programs and the second being faculty development programs.

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Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Konzepts zur Förderung ethischer Kompetenz : Wie kann die Auseinandersetzung über 'richtig' und 'falsch' in Lehrveranstaltungen an Wirtschaftsuniversitäten verankert werden?

2019 , Wagner, Dietrich

Ethical competence allows uncovering and describing implicit values in arguments, theories and social situations. Furthermore, ethically competent persons can examine the identified values for their moral validity. This thesis investigates whether and how ethical competence can be fostered among students at business schools. Students should therefore be empowered to uncover the normative foundations of economic activity and to reflect ethically on them. In this thesis, it will be discussed whether the promotion of ethical competence is desirable from a normative perspective and necessary from an empirical perspective. The discussion clearly shows that ethical competence is a desirable educational goal, which currently is neglected at business schools. In response to this observation and using design-based research as methodological approach, a teaching-learning concept to foster ethical competence is developed. This concept takes into account different components of ethical competence, existing pedagogical concepts and the concrete implementation context. The teaching-learning concept was partly tested and evaluated during a university course. The research process resulted in a teaching-learning concept for the promotion of ethical competence, which is both theoretically founded and practically tested.

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Fostering students’ ability and willingness for ethical reflection at a business school

2016-07-05 , Wagner, Dietrich

Research about reflection in Higher Education is widely available and the fact that reflection contributes to a better and deeper understanding of the learnt content is beyond controversy. Especially in a dynamic and fast-moving world, reflection plays a crucial role, because it helps people to orientate and be aware of what is going on around them. Although there is a lot of research about reflection in general, research about ethical reflection in Higher Education is rare. Ethical reflection is part of reflection which tries to illuminate hidden values, ideas of man and agendas in a particular content and ask critical questions about it. It also challenges the person who reflect to take a stance based on the own values. Developing concepts and methods, which help to foster this kind of reflection in a study program at a business school, is the aim of this PhD project. Therefore, the research approach of educational design research is being used. This research approach is very suitable for problems where the solution for a problem has to be developed. After specifying the problem and evaluating literature about the topic a first intervention prototype could be developed. This prototype will be tested and revised again. At the end of this process are design principles, which show how interventions with a similar aim in similar settings should be constructed. These design principles will be constructed during the whole research process and are the link from practice to theory, because they describe how and why an intervention work and what should be considered by designing another intervention for a similar problem.

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Fostering ethical competence in business schools

2016 , Wagner, Dietrich

The aim of the project is to develop an pedagogical intervention to foster ethical competence in lectures and seminars of business schools. Therefore the research paradigm of Design Research is being used.

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Fear of Academic Failure as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

2017 , Wagner, Dietrich , Brahm, Taiga , Kyndt, Eva , Donche, Vincent , Trigwell, Keith , Lindblom-Ylänne, Sari

A successful transition into Higher Education is influenced by a number of different factors. This chapter focuses upon the personal category which, among other things, includes students’ coping behaviour under pressure and their negotiation of failure. We examine whether students’ individual level of motivation, fear of failure, enjoyment and self-efficacy, assessed before the beginning of their studies, influences their probability of academic success at the end of the first year. Using a logistic regression we found out, that fear of failure have a significant moderate effect on study success and therefore may become a self-fulfilling-prophecy.

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Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Konzepts zur Förderung ethischer Kompetenz

2019-09-27 , Wagner, Dietrich