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What do you mean? A Review on Recovery Strategies to Overcome Conversational Breakdowns of Conversational Agents

2021-12 , Benner, Dennis , Elshan, Edona , Schöbel, Sofia , Janson, Andreas

Since the emergence of conversational agents, this technology has seen continuous development and research. Today, advanced conversational agents are virtually omnipresent in our everyday lives. Albeit the numerous improvements in their conversational capabilities, breakdowns are still a persistent issue. Such breakdowns can result in a very unpleasant experience for users and impair the future success of conversational agents. This issue has been acknowledged by many researchers recently. However, the research on strategies to overcome conversational breakdowns is still inconclusive, and further research is needed. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature analysis to derive conceptual conversational breakdown recovery strategies from literature and highlight future research avenues to address potential gaps. Thus, we contribute to theory of human-agent interaction by deriving and assessing recovery strategies and suggesting leads for novel recovery strategies.

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Let's Team Up: Designing Conversational Agents as Teammates

2020-12 , Elshan, Edona , Ebel, Philipp

The success of projects is, amongst others, highly depended on the team members skillset and ability to collaborate. Hence, education has to undergo a change to keep up with the shift in the compositions of skills and knowledge needed for students. To overcome scalability issues, we propose to develop Timmy-a conversational agents (CAs) that acts as a team member. As there is a lack of concrete design knowledge concerning CAs as peers in teams, we conduct a design science research project. Based on requirements from scientific literature and expert interviews, we develop a concise set of design principles for designing CAs in peer roles in educational settings. Furthermore, we present an initial proof of concept evaluation. These insights will support researchers and practitioners to understand better how CAs can be systematically built to ameliorate the collaborative skill of students in teamwork settings.