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  • Publication
    Data Integration: A Real-Time, Participant-Driven, and Visually Supported Method
    (Sage, 2020) ; ;
    Comi, Alice
    We introduce a method in which instant data visualization facilitates real-time data integration and involves participants in data interpretation. The results of quantitative research (e.g., electronic card sorting) are represented visually (e.g., in a dendrogram) and fed back to research participants in follow-up focus group conversations. The visualized quantitative results are reviewed and discussed by participants. The visual display of the quantitative results is annotated with qualitative feedback generated by participants that explains, enriches, or challenges the quantitative results. We apply our method in a card sorting study of Fédération Internationale de Football Association’s (FIFA) stakeholders. An approach that facilitates real-time data integration that is participant-driven and visually supported is the unique contribution of this article to mixed methods research.
    Scopus© Citations 12
  • Publication
    Visual Replay Methodology: A Mixed Methods Approach for Group Discussion Analysis
    In this article, we propose an innovative mixed methods research (MMR) technique and discuss its theory and applications. The visual replay methodology (VRM) is a new graphic way to investigate the discourse patterns during software-aided small group discussions. A visually supported conversation is recorded through screen capturing and replayed to reconstruct how the discussion has unfolded. The VRM responds to the “integration challenge” that the MMR community is facing—by employing the power of visualization, data integration is leveraged to a new level, where visual synergy gains enable a “value-added” research outcome. By employing multigenre integration and a moderately pragmatic approach, the VRM reduces the researcher–subject power-relation gap and contributes to some long-standing MMR debates regarding reflexivity and participation.
    Scopus© Citations 14
  • Publication
    Knowledge Scaffolding Visualizations: a Guiding Framework
    (Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 2015-03-03) ; ;
    In this paper we provide a guiding framework for understanding and selecting visual representations in the knowledge management (KM) practice. We build on an interdisciplinary analogy between two connotations of the notion of "scaffolding": physical scaffolding from an architectural-engineering perspective and scaffolding of the "everyday knowing in practice" from a KM perspective. We classify visual structures for knowledge communication in teams into four types of scaffolds: grounded (corresponding e.g., to perspectives diagrams or dynamic facilitation diagrams), suspended (e.g., negotiation sketches, argument maps), panel (e.g., roadmaps or timelines) and reinforcing (e.g., concept diagrams). The article concludes with a set of recommendations in the form of questions to ask whenever practitioners are choosing visualizations for specific KM needs. Our recommendations aim at providing a framework at a broad-brush level to aid choosing a suitable visualization template depending on the type of KM endeavour.