Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die
    (Elsevier, 2023-01)
    Beerepoot, Iris
    Ciccio, Claudio Di
    Reijers, Hajo A.
    Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie
    Bandara, Wasana
    Burattin, Andrea
    Calvanese, Diego
    Chen, Tianwa
    Cohen, Izack
    Depaire, Benoît
    Federico, Gemma Di
    Dumas, Marlon
    van Dun, Christopher
    Fehrer, Tobias
    Fischer, Dominik A.
    Gal, Avigdor
    Indulska, Marta
    Isahagian, Vatche
    Klinkmüller, Christopher
    Kratsch, Wolfgang
    Leopold, Henrik
    Looy, Amy Van
    Lopez, Hugo
    Lukumbuzya, Sanja
    Mendling, Jan
    Meyers, Lara
    Moder, Linda
    Montali, Marco
    Muthusamy, Vinod
    Reichert, Manfred
    Rizk, Yara
    Rosemann, Michael
    Röglinger, Maximilian
    Sadiq, Shazia
    Slaats, Tijs
    Simkus, Mantas
    Someh, Ida Asadi
    Weber, Ingo
    Weske, Mathias
    It may be tempting for researchers to stick to incremental extensions of their current work to plan future research activities. Yet there is also merit in realizing the grand challenges in one’s field. This paper presents an overview of the nine major research problems for the Business Process Management discipline. These challenges have been collected by an open call to the community, discussed and refined in a workshop setting, and described here in detail, including a motivation why these problems are worth investigating. This overview may serve the purpose of inspiring both novice and advanced scholars who are interested in the radical new ideas for the analysis, design, and management of work processes using information technology.
  • Publication
    Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges
    ( 2022)
    Munoz-Gama, Jorge
    Martin, Niels
    Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos
    Johnson, Owen A.
    Sepúlveda, Marcos
    Helm, Emmanuel
    Galvez-Yanjari, Victor
    Rojas, Eric
    Martinez-Millana, Antonio
    Aloini, Davide
    Amantea, Ilaria Angela
    Andrews, Robert
    Arias, Michael
    Beerepoot, Iris
    Benevento, Elisabetta
    Burattin, Andrea
    Capurro, Daniel
    Carmona, Josep
    Comuzzi, Marco
    Dalmas, Benjamin
    and Chiara Ghidini and Fernanda Gonzalez-Lopez and Gema Ibanez-S, Rene de la Fuenteand Chiara Di Francescomarinoand Claudio Di Cic
    Vanwersch, Rob
    Weske, Mathias
    Wynn, Moe Thandar
  • Publication
    Granularity in Process Mining: Can We Fix It?
    ( 2021-09) ; ;
    Di Federico, Gemma
    Burattin, Andrea
    Process mining techniques rely on the availability of event logs, where events have a certain granularity that is deemed appropriate for representing business activities. In this paper, we discuss why choosing a proper granularity level during preprocessing can be challenging and reflect on the implications that such a “fixed” view over the process bears for the analysis. Then, inspired by use cases in the context of user behavior analysis, we envision possible solutions that allow exploring and mining multiple granularity levels of process activities.
  • Publication
    Towards IoT-Driven Process Event Log Generation for Conformance Checking in Smart Factories
    ( 2020-09) ; ;
    Burattin, Andrea
    García-Bañuelos, Luciano
    The Internet of Things (IoT) enables software-based access to vast amounts of data streams from sensors measuring physical and virtual properties of smart devices and their surroundings. While sophisticated means for the control and data analysis of single IoT devices exist, a more process-oriented view of IoT systems is often missing. Such a lack of process awareness hinders the development of process-based systems on top of IoT environments and the application of process mining techniques for process analysis and optimization in IoT. We propose a framework for the stepwise correlation and composition of raw IoT sensor streams with events and activities on a process level based on Complex Event Processing (CEP). From this correlation we derive refined process event logs–possibly with ambiguities–that can be used for process analysis at runtime (i. e., online). We discuss the framework using examples from a smart factory.
    Scopus© Citations 32