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The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die

2023-01 , Beerepoot, Iris , Ciccio, Claudio Di , Reijers, Hajo A. , Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie , Bandara, Wasana , Burattin, Andrea , Calvanese, Diego , Chen, Tianwa , Cohen, Izack , Depaire, Benoît , Federico, Gemma Di , Dumas, Marlon , van Dun, Christopher , Fehrer, Tobias , Fischer, Dominik A. , Gal, Avigdor , Indulska, Marta , Isahagian, Vatche , Klinkmüller, Christopher , Kratsch, Wolfgang , Leopold, Henrik , Looy, Amy Van , Lopez, Hugo , Lukumbuzya, Sanja , Mendling, Jan , Meyers, Lara , Moder, Linda , Montali, Marco , Muthusamy, Vinod , Reichert, Manfred , Rizk, Yara , Rosemann, Michael , Röglinger, Maximilian , Sadiq, Shazia , Seiger, Ronny , Slaats, Tijs , Simkus, Mantas , Someh, Ida Asadi , Weber, Barbara , Weber, Ingo , Weske, Mathias , Zerbato, Francesca

It may be tempting for researchers to stick to incremental extensions of their current work to plan future research activities. Yet there is also merit in realizing the grand challenges in one’s field. This paper presents an overview of the nine major research problems for the Business Process Management discipline. These challenges have been collected by an open call to the community, discussed and refined in a workshop setting, and described here in detail, including a motivation why these problems are worth investigating. This overview may serve the purpose of inspiring both novice and advanced scholars who are interested in the radical new ideas for the analysis, design, and management of work processes using information technology.

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Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges

2022 , Munoz-Gama, Jorge , Martin, Niels , Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos , Johnson, Owen A. , Sepúlveda, Marcos , Helm, Emmanuel , Galvez-Yanjari, Victor , Rojas, Eric , Martinez-Millana, Antonio , Aloini, Davide , Amantea, Ilaria Angela , Andrews, Robert , Arias, Michael , Beerepoot, Iris , Benevento, Elisabetta , Burattin, Andrea , Capurro, Daniel , Carmona, Josep , Comuzzi, Marco , Dalmas, Benjamin , and Chiara Ghidini and Fernanda Gonzalez-Lopez and Gema Ibanez-S, Rene de la Fuenteand Chiara Di Francescomarinoand Claudio Di Cic , Vanwersch, Rob , Weske, Mathias , Wynn, Moe Thandar , Zerbato, Francesca

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Leveraging Digital Trace Data to Investigate and Support Human-Centered Work Processes

2024 , Barbara Weber , Amine Abbad-Andaloussi , Marco Franceschetti , Ronny Seiger , Hagen Völzer , Francesca Zerbato

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Process Mining Practices: Evidence from Interviews

2022-09 , Zerbato, Francesca , Soffer, Pnina , Barbara Weber

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Integrated Exploration of Data-Intensive Business Processes

2023 , Combi, Carlo , Oliboni, Barbara , Zerbato, Francesca

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Seamless conceptual modeling of processes with transactional and analytical data

2021-05 , Combi, Carlo , Oliboni, Barbara , Weske, Mathias , Zerbato, Francesca

In the field of Business Process Management (BPM), modeling business processes and related data is a critical issue since process activities need to manage data stored in databases. The connection between processes and data is usually handled at the implementation level, even if modeling both processes and data at the conceptual level should help designers in improving business process models and identifying requirements for implementation. Especially in data- and decision-intensive contexts, business process activities need to access data stored both in databases and data warehouses. In this paper, we complete our approach for defining a novel conceptual view that bridges process activities and data. The proposed approach allows the designer to model the connection between business processes and database models and define the operations to perform, providing interesting insights on the overall connected perspective and hints for identifying activities that are crucial for decision support.

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ProMiSE: Process Mining Support for End-Users

2023-07-06 , Zerbato, Francesca , Zimmermann, Lisa , Völzer, Hagen , Weber, Barbara , CEUR Workshop Proceedings

In the past decade, process mining has gained momentum in academia and the industry, as it supports organizations in deriving insights from event data recorded from process executions. The increasing adoption of process mining in practice entails supporting process analysts in their work. Indeed, their analysis includes many exploratory tasks that require them to rely on their experience to interpret the data and steer the analysis. This knowledge-intensive nature of process mining can be challenging for less experienced analysts and calls for methodological and operational guidance tailored to their needs. In this paper, we present ProMiSE, a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation that embraces this novel direction in process mining research. The first goal of the project is to improve our understanding of how analysts work in practice, i.e., the process of process mining. Then, methodological guidance and software-based support are developed to assist novice analysts during their analysis. The results obtained in the first two years of ProMiSE have helped to build a solid empirical basis on process mining, laying the foundation for the development of user-centered support, which we will realize in the coming years with the help of our project partners and international collaborators.

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What makes life for process mining analysts difficult? A reflection of challenges

2023-11-17 , Lisa Zimmermann , Francesca Zerbato , Barbara Weber

Over the past few years, several software companies have emerged that offer process mining tools to assist enterprises in gaining insights into their process executions. However, the effective application of process mining technologies depends on analysts who need to be proficient in managing process mining projects and providing process insights and improvement opportunities. To contribute to a better understanding of the difficulties encountered by analysts and to pave the way for the development of enhanced and tailored support for them, this work reveals the challenges they perceive in practice. In particular, we identify 23 challenges based on interviews with 41 analysts, which we validate using a questionnaire survey. We provide insights into the relevancy of the process mining challenges and present mitigation strategies applied in practice to overcome them. While mitigation strategies exist, our findings imply the need for further research to provide support for analysts along all phases of process mining projects on the individual level, but also the technical, group, and organizational levels.

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Exploring how users engage with hybrid process artifacts based on declarative process models: a behavioral analysis based on eye-tracking and think-aloud

2020 , Abbad Andaloussi, Abbad , Zerbato, Francesca , Burratin, Andrea , Slaats, Tijs , Hildebrandt, Thomas , Weber, Barbara

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On the Origin of Questions in Process Mining Projects

2022-09 , Zerbato, Francesca , Koorn, Jelmer J. , Beerepoot, Iris , Barbara Weber , Reijers, Hajo A.