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Regards sur la mondialisation. Le champ artistique en Chine et à Hong Kong sous l’égide du marché mondial de l’art

2017-09 , Mazzurana, Thomas , Schultheis, Franz

The art market has not only expanded massively in volume since the end of the 2000s; it has become noticeably more globalized in regard to the actors and the institutions involved and to contemporary visual art itself. The attention of Western actors is today drawn particularly to Asia, and especially to China, whose rapidly growing economic power has been accompanied for a decade by a strongly expanding art market. At the same time, actors from the emerging markets arise with new power and their own demands. The paper is based on the results of an ethnographic research project, which focused on the positions and perspectives of the actors of the art world on the spot, their views on the current changes, the concrete practices in the Chinese and Hong Kong art markets respectively the art field in their specific socio-historical form and in their interweavement with the Western art world.

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Von Algerien in die Banlieue - Pierre Bourdieus engagierte Gesellschaftsanalyse

2007-02-16 , Schultheis, Franz

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Soziologie als Beruf - Hommage an Pierre Bourdieu

2002-10-01 , Schultheis, Franz , Vester, M.

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Vie familiale et raison d'Etat - Les deux Allemagnes comme laboratoire socio-historique d'une approche comparative des politiques familiales

1996 , Schultheis, Franz

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A ‘Problem of Fairness’ in the Making: The Transformation of Public Services from the Perspective of Postal Workers

2016-01-27 , Flecker, Jörg , Schultheis, Franz , Vogel, Berthold

Abstract During the last two decades public administration and public services have undergone profound changes with far-reaching impacts on employment relations and working conditions. The paper presents the perceptions and lived experiences of workers affected by liberalization and privatization of public services. In doing so it focuses on workers’ ideas of fairness and dignity at work using the concepts of distribution, recognition and the public ethos of the common good and linking them to fundamental principles of justice. It is argued that the perception of inequalities as fair, while it is shaped by custom, is also being socially constructed during far-reaching changes. The analysis is based on a series of qualitative interviews conducted in Austria, Germany and Switzerland with postal-service workers, a sector well suited for the analysis because of the far-reaching changes in terms of market regulation, ownership of organizations, labour regulation, employment and working conditions.

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Les visions et divisions catégorielles du monde social : une comparaison France-Allemagne

2005 , Schultheis, Franz

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Einfühlsame Diagnose, radikale Kritik - Eine Soziologie gesellschaftlichen Elends unter Leitung Pierre Bourdieus

1997-09-01 , Schultheis, Franz

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In Algeria: Pierre Bourdieu's photographic fieldwork

2009-08-24 , Schultheis, Franz , Holder, Patricia , Wagner, Constantin

oday Pierre Bourdieu is well known as one of the most important social scientists of the 20th century. One of the outstanding qualities of his work has been his innovative combination of different methods and research strategies as well as his analytical skills in interpreting the obtained data (his ‘sociological gaze'). In this paper, we attempt to retrace the development of an extraordinary way of doing social research and show the benefit of Bourdieu's visual sociology for his empirical fieldwork and sociological theory. The article particularly stresses the significance of his photographic archive, which has long been ignored within the appreciation of Bourdieu's work. Studying Bourdieu's photography gives access to his œuvre in several new ways: not only can we understand how Bourdieu became an unconventional sociologist practicing his craft in the midst of a colonial war. Bourdieu's visual anthropology also offers an insight into the status nascendi of Bourdieu's sociology in all its elementary forms and contents. Through his photography Boudieu demonstrated the concepts of ‘habitat and habitus', the material and symbolic living conditions of the Algerian population.

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Les paradoxes de la confiance en situation de réciprocité défaillante

2002 , Schultheis, Franz

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Politiques familiales et inégalités sociales

1997-12-01 , Schultheis, Franz