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Auf dem Weg zum Stakeholder-Kapitalismus: Merkmale und Konsequenzen einer sich verändernden institutionellen Logik

2023 , Günter Müller-Stewens , Joachim Stonig , Artur Baldauf , Manfred Bruhn , Peter Gomez , Margit Osterloh , Dieter Pfaff , Wolfgang Stölzle , Georg von Krogh , Martin Wallmeier

Processes of institutionalization shape how decisions are made and actions are taken in companies. In recent years, calls for a change in the dominant institutional logic have become louder both in corporate practice and in the academic debate. Many are advocating for "stakeholder capitalism". In this overview article, we explain the background and characteristics of the stakeholder logic and distinguish it from the previous investor logic and corporate logic. In the second part, we analyze how a stakeholder logic is likely to affect the elements of organization design.

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Rethinking the role of the centre in the multidivisional firm: A retrospective

2017-02 , Ambos, Tina , Müller-Stewens, Günter

Nowadays, diversified companies or business groups are the norm rather than the exception. Most multibusiness or multi-unit firms are organised as a multidivisional firm (M-form firms). They are structured into semi-autonomous divisions or operating units that report to a corporate headquarters (CHQ) to guide, control and coordinate the group. There are many different ways to manage the role of such a corporate center. Also, over the past decades, these roles had to change, owing to the changing requirements from the business environment and new approaches to managing the roles.

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Fusion und Globalität

1999 , Müller-Stewens, Günter

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Interview with Giuseppe Vita, CEO of Schering AG

1998 , Müller-Stewens, Günter , Achtenhagen, Leona , Sahm, Mathias

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Die mentale Prägung entscheidet: Sinnsuche im modernen Unternehmen

2021 , Müller-Stewens, Günter

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Mergers & Acquisitions

2000 , Müller-Stewens, Günter

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Competition in Transeuropean Networks

1998 , Müller-Stewens, Günter

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Digitale Transformation: Werttreiber beim Aufbau plattformbasierter Ökosysteme in etablierten Unternehmen

2019 , Müller-Stewens, Günter , Stonig, Joachim

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Managing the International Law Firm: Nuisannce or Necessity?

2000 , Müller-Stewens, Günter , Drolshammer, Jens

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General Management Assessment

1998 , Müller-Stewens, Günter