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Marktforschung im Wohnzimmer: Wie Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten Produktbewertungen systematisch erarbeiten

2024-01 , Jan-Hendrik Bucher

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From Aesthetic to Epistemic Consumption - Analyzing Knowledge Practices in Consumption Collectives

2020-03-12 , Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Woermann, Niklas , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska

This paper explores the collective pursuit of quasi-scientific knowledge practices as a consumption activity. By comparatively analyzing focal knowledge practices in two highly-specialized consumption collectives we shed light on how consumers engage with epistemic knowledge. We thereby contribute to a better understanding of collective consumption in today's knowledge society.

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From Aesthetic to Epistemic Consumption: Analyzing Knowledge Regimes in Consumption Collectives

2020 , Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska , Woermann, Niklas

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The different levels of consumption communities, in: Understanding Collaborative Consumption

2023 , Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska , Woermann, Niklas

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Schweizer Konsumentenverhalten und Markenkommunikation in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie

2021 , Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Fuchs, Matthias , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska , Leimert, Hannah , Manke, Birte Karoline Linnea , Tomczak, Torsten , Vario, Marco

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Consumer Empiricism: Consumers’ quasi-scientific strategies to evaluate consumption routines.

2022-10-15 , Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska

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The New Consumer: A Typology of Consumer Reactions to the COVID-19 Crisis

, Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Fuchs, Matthias , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska , Birte, Manke , Hannah, Leimert , Marco, Vario , Torsten, Tomczak , Gallitto, Elena , Massi, Marta , Harrison, Paul

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From Aesthetic to Epistemic Consumption: Analyzing Knowledge Pathways in Consumption Collectives

2020-03 , Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska , Woermann, Niklas

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Customer experiments: How customers conduct at-home experiments to examine and evaluate purchased products

2021-10-15 , Bucher, Jan-Hendrik , Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska

How do customers evaluate purchased products? Prior research assumes that customers compare perceived actual performance with expected performance, resulting in customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. While customer satisfaction and its influencing factors (e. g., customers’ mood, the form of communication, or the experienced variety of product usage) have been extensively studied, the process of how customers evaluate purchased products remains understudied. Using qualitative interviews and netnography, we study customers who make great efforts to evaluate purchased products in four product categories (self-care products, household items, food & beverages, consumer technology). We find that certain customers draw on five different types of experiments to examine and evaluate purchased products in a quasi-scientific way. We contribute to consumer research and marketing by mapping evaluative processes that lead to customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction.

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Legitimation Spillover in the Berlin Drag Scene: From Conflict to Collaboration

2024 , Seimetz, Pia Anna-Maria , Jan-Hendrik Bucher , Mikko Laamanen , Mario Campana , Maria Rita Micheli , Rohan Venkatraman , Katherine Duffy