Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Managing Complex Work Systems via Crowdworking Platforms: How Deutsche Bank Explores AI Trends and the Future of Banking with Jovoto
    Crowdsourcing has evolved into a powerful new instrument for companies. In the last years, crowdworking platforms that manage work systems as intermediaries between crowdsourcers and crowd workers have increasingly been used. Nevertheless, they currently often manage rather simple work systems. Although they have the potential for managing more complex ones, there is still little knowledge how this can be done and what measures are necessary to do so. To explore this question in more detail, we investigate three seminal projects that Deutsche Bank completed with the crowdworking platform Jovoto and that aimed at exploring AI trends and developing concepts for the future of banking. We derive measures necessary for the successful management of complex work systems and provide a model as guidance for both companies and crowdworking platform operators. With our findings, we extend current knowledge in the realm of IS, organizational theory, and platform ecosystems.
  • Publication
    Managing Complex Work Systems via Crowdworking Platforms: How Intel and Hyve Explore Future Technological Innovations
    Crowdsourcing has the potential to change the way how companies and other organizations are working currently. Numerous companies are already exploiting this new form of work organization and are utilising the “wisdom of crowds”. Crowdworking platforms as intermediaries that manage the work system including customer companies and crowd workers play an important role in this context. Nevertheless, they currently mostly manage rather simple work systems that process rather plain work. In this summary for the HICSS 2018 Doctoral Consortium, we depict our current work in progress that aims at investigating how such platforms could also manage more complex work systems – a question that is crucial for the future success of this business model. Using the case of Intel and the crowdworking platform Hyve, we investigate one successful approach to tackle this challenge, elaborate on our method used as well as the theoretical background and communicate our first, preliminary findings.
  • Publication
    Managing Complex Work Systems via Crowdworking Platforms: The Case of Hamburger Hochbahn and Phantominds
    In the last decade, crowdsourcing has emerged as a new form of work organization. Crowdworking platforms as intermediaries between crowdsourcing companies and crowd workers have gained importance in this process. Currently, many of these platforms manage rather simple work systems. Using the case of the German Hamburger Hochbahn AG and the innovation platform Phantominds, this paper investigates measures necessary for crowdworking platforms to be able to manage also more complex work systems. To derive such measures, we analyze the work system of Hamburger Hochbahn and Phantominds, explore the interplay between the crowd and the platform provider and subsequently provide recommendations for companies that would like to use crowdworking platforms for the processing of work and for platform operators. With this paper, we extend current knowledge in the realms of IS, organizational theory, and platform ecosystems.