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    Work Organization in Online Platform Ecosystems
    Crowdsourcing as a new paradigm how to proceed (paid and unpaid) work has gained momentum in the last years. Numerous companies and other organizations use “the wisdom of crowds” (Surowiecki 2004) for their goals. In the context of the paid part of crowdsourcing that is processed via online platforms one can name “crowdworking platforms” (Mrass et al. 2017c), the World Bank recently predicted in a study a global increase in market volume from 2.1 billion USD in 2013 and 4.8 billion USD in 2016 up to 25 billion USD in 2020 (see Kuek et al. 2015, p. 20-25). However, these and other data about such platforms and their surrounding “ecosystems” heavily rely on estimations using only some platforms and trying to project their data to a greater scale. To the best of knowledge of the author of these lines for the paper-a-thon format, there is no data available so far that covers a larger (e.g. a country) definable region (and let alone the whole world) and that relies not only on estimations, but also on “real” data from crowdworking platforms representative for the “total population” of platforms from that region. This view was also confirmed by the answer to a respective request made by the author of this paper to the central official statistical authority in Germany (Statistisches Bundesamt/see: for that region. Nevertheless, such data would be beneficial for several stakeholders: Economy, since many companies currently wonder if they could and should consider crowdworking platforms for the processing of work (Zogaj 2016). Politics, since a lot of questions regarding minimum wage requirements and the status of crowdworkers arose (see e.g. Benner 2014). And not least science, since research about such platforms with the exception of some US-American crowdworking platforms is scarce and would benefit from more data as a basis for further explorations.