Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Managing Disruptive Innovation through Service Systems – The Case of Crowdlending in the Banking Industry
    (Association for Information Systems, 2016-12-11) ; ; ;
    Jakob, Thomas
    The Internet has affected and partially radically changed the business models of traditional industries. Crowdfunding as a new concept of funding over the Internet by a large crowd has especially gained maturity. Crowdfunding offerings range from funding charitable projects or innovative gadgets to a funding alternative for start-ups or small businesses. Therefore, crowdfunding represents an innovative way to provide liquidity for illiquid markets. With regard to the banking crisis and the growing skepticism toward banks, crowdfunding is seen as a more transparent, democratic, and entertaining way of funding, which makes it highly attractive for banks. A senior innovation manager of The Bank of Switzerland (TBOS), one of Switzerland’s largest and most traditional banks, recognized the disruptive and beneficial potential of crowdlending. By facing strong resentments, he developed the idea of TBOS engaging in crowdlending by collaborating with a start-up by bundling competencies in a service system.
  • Publication
    An Empirical Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Intermediaries
    (Academy of Management, 2016) ;
    Durward, David
    Zogaj, Shkodran
    Crowdsourcing has drawn much attention from researchers in the past. Thus, there are already attempts to conceptualize and classify the phenomenon. All of the existing work has their merits; however they lack an overviewing perspective or meta-characteristic. They are conceptual in nature, lack theoretical grounding, and – most importantly – are not empirically validated. Hence, we develop an empirical taxonomy of crowdsourcing intermediaries embedded in the theory of two-sided markets. Collecting data from 100 intermediaries and performing cluster analysis, we identify five archetypes of crowdsourcing intermediaries: Micro-tasking, knowledge work, design competition, testing and validation as well as innovation. The taxonomy establishes a systematic and comprehensive overview of crowdsourcing intermediaries and thereby provides a better understanding of the basic types of crowdsourcing and its core functions. For practice, we provide decision support for crowdsourcers as well as crowdsourcees on which platform to be active on.
  • Publication
    Modularization of Crowdfunding Services: Designing Disruptive Innovations in the Banking Industry
    (Association for Information Systems, 2015-12-13) ; ; ;
    Crowdfunding represents a disruptive innovation in the banking industry by enabling the exploitation of market segments. Incumbents struggle to utilize this new phenomenon as crowdfunding is based on modules that have not been considered relevant for banking so far. Nevertheless, crowdfunding services are not entirely new compared to traditional banking. We argue that the modular design enables a bank to utilize crowdfunding. Thus, we started an action research project in order to investigate how modularization enables a bank to design crowdfunding services. Findings so far led to the identification of eleven preliminary crowdfunding services and their interconnection within an ecosystem. Our expected contribution will increase the understanding of crowdfunding services by bridging research on modularization, service ecosystems, and crowdfunding, and highlight the handling of disruptive innovations in an established industry. For practice, we provide a way of designing crowdfunding services in an efficient manner while building on already existing competencies.
  • Publication
    How Idea Creativity and Hedonic Value Influence Project Success in Crowdfunding
    (Universität Osnabrück, 2015-03-06)
    Schulz, Moritz
    Schulthess, Karin
    Crowdfunding has become a viable source of funding for a variety of projects during the last years. More and more music, creative and artistic but al-so entrepreneurial projects search funding through the crowd. Although first project characteristics with an impact on a project's funding success have been identified, qualitative variables within crowdfunding projects have mostly remained uncovered. With that in mind, this paper empirically examines the influence of idea creativity and hedonic value on projects' funding success. We assessed 108 projects from 20 platforms in order to measure the extent of these two dimensions. Our broad approach allowed us to compare results for the different types of crowdfunding. We find that idea creativity and hedonic value can have varying impacts on projects' funding success depending on the type of crowdfunding.
  • Publication
    An Empirical Taxonomy of Crowdfunding Intermediaries
    (Association for Information Sytems, 2014-12-15) ; ;
    Due to the recent popularity of crowdfunding, a broad magnitude of crowdfunding intermediaries has emerged, while research on crowdfunding intermediaries has been largely neglected. As a consequence, existing classifications of crowdfunding intermediaries are conceptual, lack theoretical grounding, and are not empirically validated. Thus, we develop an empirical taxonomy of crowdfunding intermediaries, which is grounded in the theories of two-sided markets and financial intermediation. Integrating these theories, we develop a crowdfunding intermediation model that we use as foundation for performing cluster analysis with data of 127 intermediaries. We identify three generic archetypes of crowdfunding intermediaries, which differ in their value proposition: Hedonism, Altruism, and For Profit. Our crowdfunding intermediation model and our empirical taxonomy improve our understanding of crowdfunding by showing how crowdfunding intermediaries manage financial intermediation and digitally transform exchange relations between capital-giving and -seeking agents in two-sided online markets. For practice, our research may help characterize the crowdfunding industry.
  • Publication
    Crowdfunding 2020: Komplement oder Substitut für die Finanzindustrie
    (Books on Demand;, 2015-01-21) ;
    Sieber, Eva
    Schulz, Moritz
    ; ;
    Wenzlaff, Karsten
    Gebert, Michael
  • Publication
    Obstacles and Challenges in the Use of Gamification for Virtual Idea Communities
    (Springer International Publishing, 2017)
    Scheiner, Christian
    Bretschneider, Ulrich
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    Stieglitz, Stefan
    Lattemann, Christoph
    Robra-Bissantz, Susanne
    Zarnekow, Rüdiger
    Brockmann, Tobias
    Virtual idea communities (VIC) are a relatively new phenomenon in business. These communities, in which distributed groups of individual customers focus on voluntarily sharing and elaborating innovation ideas, are used by firms to integrate customers into the ideation for new product development rooted in Chesbrough’s (2003) open innovation paradigm. Developers and decision makers realized especially within the last decade that games or game-like appeals could serve as appropriate gamifications to attract people to participate in VICs. Therefore, gamification gained momentum and has been widely implemented into VICs. The use of gamification does, however, not lead to this intended positive outcome per se. Because of that, obstacles and challenges in the use of gamification have to be considered, which has often been neglected in practice. Therefore, the goal of this chapter is to address this topic and to describe major obstacles and challenges in the use of gamification in VICs.
  • Publication
    Crowdfunding: Outlining the New Era of Fundraising
    (Springer International Publishing, 2015) ;
    Bretschneider, Ulrich
    ; ; ;
    Brüntje, Dennis
    Gajda, Oliver
    Crowdfunding is increasingly gaining attention in theory and practice. Various platforms have emerged, offering entrepreneurs and project owners the possibility to raise money from an undefined group of online users (“crowd”). In this article we aim to provide a deeper understanding of the rise of crowdfunding as an alternative funding opportunity by discussing its main characteristics, the market development, different classification approaches, its fields of application and by providing directions for future research.
    Scopus© Citations 59