Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    The Rise of Crowd Aggregators - How Individual Workers Restructure Their Own Crowd
    Crowd work has emerged as a new form of digital gainful employment whose nature is still a black box. In this paper, we focus on the crowd workers – a perspective that has been largely neglected by research. We report results from crowd worker interviews on two different platforms. Our findings illustrate that crowd aggregators as new players restructure the nature of crowd work sustainably with different effects on the behavior as well as the existing relationships of crowd workers. We contribute to prior research by developing a theoretical framework based on value chain and work aggregation theories which are applicable in this new form of digital labor. For practice, our results provide initial insights that need to be taken into account as part of the ongoing discussion on fair and decent conditions in crowd work.
  • Publication
    Blueprinting Crowdfunding - Designing a Crowdfunding Service Configuration Framework
    Crowdfunding gained momentum over the last few years. In contrast to traditional forms of funding, the service provision of crowdfunding platforms is performed within service systems. These comprise a complex combination of IT and non-IT services, different stakeholders, and diverging contexts and purposes. The design and operation of such service systems represents a tough challenge. Therefore, we developed a crowdfunding service configuration framework in the form of a morphological box and derived three dominant design patterns by following a design science approach. Therefore, we followed three iterations, which comprise in total twelve expert interviews, three case studies and the analysis of 161 crowdfunding platforms. The configuration framework extends research on crowdfunding and service science by providing insights in how to support the systematic design of crowdfunding service systems, reducing their complexity, and giving a comprehensive overview over their building blocks.