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  • Publication
    Fostering individual-level ambidexterity in SMEs : a relational-contract perspective on informal external drivers of employees' ambidextrous behaviour
    (Inderscience Enterprises, 2015-01) ;
    We contribute to a conceptual understanding of how SME managers can efficiently influence their employees' exploration-exploitation activities or, in other words, how they can foster individual-level ambidexterity, which arises in SMEs when exploration and exploitation activities are balanced. We adopt arelational-contract perspective to discuss informal external drivers of employees' ambidexterity. More specifically, we draw on social-learning theory to analyse how managers' ambidextrous behaviours might enable employees' exploration-exploitation activities. We suggest that it is important for SME managers to serve as role models of ambidextrous behaviour in order to foster non-managerial employees' ambidexterity. Furthermore, we draw on rational-choice and social-exchange conceptualisations of employee-manager exchange to analyse the influence of extrinsic motivators on employees' exploration-exploitation activities. Top-down social processes of learning and employee-manager exchange might together constitute relational contracts between managers and employees. We suggest that such contracts can efficiently foster employee-level ambidexterity as they combine relational with transactional elements by enabling social learning via managers' exploration-exploitation role models and aligning employees' interests with those of the organisation via social exchanges. As the social processes behind relational contracts cannot be easily copied, we argue that employees' ambidexterity facilitates the emergence of sustained competitive advantages.
    Scopus© Citations 8
  • Publication
    A Relational View on Intrapreneurial Behavior : A social cognitive Framework of employee´s individual level entrepreneurial behavior for the SME-context
    (ICSB, 2012-06-10)
    The paper discusses a social cognitive framework of how employee´s entrepreneurial behaviour (EB) could be influenced in SMEs. The model suggests, individual-level EB mainly to be influenced by processes of social exchange and social learning. That means organizational level with individual level to be conceptually linked by relationships of exchange and learning between the employee and the organization. The employee´s perception of the quality of these relationships is suggested to directly influence individual level EB: the personnel´s motivation for EB can be fostered via social exchange; the personnel´s abilities for EB might be fostered via social learning. Because of the SMEmanagement´s fundamental influence with regard to establishing high quality relationships with their employees, fostering EB is regarded a top-down process. To test the propositions, an experimental study design is proposed.