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Does Smart equal Sustainable? Selective Coupling and Sustainability Performance in 251 Smart City Initiatives understood as Hybrid Organizations

2021 , Friedrich, Jonas , Palmié, Maximilian , Gassmann, Oliver

This paper depicts smart city initiatives as hybrid organizations that incorporate competing institutional logics. These logics are not equally pronounced across initiatives. The salience of the logics affects initiatives’ selective coupling with economic, social, and environmental sustainability and, hence, their triple-layered sustainability performance. We suggest that the performance-related selective coupling is driven by two mechanisms: leveraging experience and seeking legitimacy. An empirical analysis of 251 initiatives supports our arguments. In line with the theory of selective coupling, we further find that initiatives embedded in a market logic display better overall sustainability performance than those embedded in a social welfare logic.

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Entrepreneuring sideways – Practicing a queer imaginary of democratic organizational becoming

2023 , Jonas Friedrich , Chris Steyaert

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Does Smart equal Sustainable? Coupling, Decoupling, and the Sustainability Performance in Cities

2021 , Friedrich, Jonas , Palmié, Maximilian , Gassmann, Oliver

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Startups versus incumbents in ‘green’industry transformations: A comparative study of business model archetypes in the electrical power sector

2021 , Palmié, Maximilian , Böhm, Jonas , Friedrich, Jonas , Parida, Vinit , Wincent, Joakim , Kahlert, Jonas , Gassmann, Oliver , Sjödin, David

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Democratic Practices Tackling Grand Challenges - Affect, Dissensus and Ethics of Alterity

2022 , Friedrich, Jonas

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Working beyond Neoliberalism: Organizing Alternativity through an Ethics of Care

2024-07-05 , Jonas Friedrich , Christina Lüthy

The urgency to reimagine neoliberal capitalism challenges scholars to explore how we can organize alternatively. In this paper, we argue that a feminist ethics of care, which stresses our fundamental interdependence and responsibility to particular others, provides a novel relational understanding of the organization and maintenance of alternativity. Relying on an ethnography of a campaign and consultancy cooperative, we show how an ethical adherence to flourishing, vulnerability, and solidarity informs an alternative coordination, valuation, and orientation of work. We theorize how the cooperative maintains this alternativity through the organization of a ‘deliberative-responsive space’. Departing from scholarship that focuses on principles and practices in alternative organizing, our study emphasizes the organization of alternativity as an ongoing ethical responsiveness to different needs, capacities, and perspectives. We underline that a relational ethics and the responsive organizing it calls for provides a more situative and dynamic approach to dealing with plurality and conflict that frequently degenerate alternative organizations.

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Future European Alliance-Europe as a Flexible Democracy

2018 , Frey, Bruno , Steuernagel, Armin , Friedrich, Jonas

A reasonable future for Europe can only be achieved if two essential elements are fulfilled: Firstly, newly established institutions must be democratic and have strong support from citizens rather than from national governments. Secondly, the large number of different ethnic, cultural, religious, and regional units existing on the European continent must be able to maintain their identity. This diversity must be institutionally supported rather than be undermined by standardization and centralization. We suggest political institutions, which are formed to meet these goals, following the example of Functional, Overlapping, Competing Jurisdictions (FOCJ). If these two goals are adequately reached, a future alliance raises the identification with the European project, and induces citizens to exhibit civic virtue in strengthening these goals.

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Organizational Democracy as ‘Facing the Other’ - Corporeal Ethics in a Knowledge Sector Cooperative

2022-05 , Friedrich, Jonas