Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    The 4I-framework of business model innovation : A structured view on process phases and challenges
    Business model innovation has received rising attention as a means for firms to achieve superior performance. Yet, as we argue based on a review of related literature, the research field so far lacks a comprehensive framework that supports managers in their endeavour to innovative their firms' business models. Based on process models from innovation management literature and insights from 14 cases of past business model innovations, we develop the 4I-framework that structures the business model innovation process and highlights the specific challenges which managers face during the initiation, ideation, integration, and implementation of new business models. Through our study, we also provide a conceptual framework to organise existing literature in the business model innovation field and identify promising areas for future research.
    Scopus© Citations 257
  • Publication
    The Business Model Navigator : 55 Models that will revolutionise your Business
    (Pearson, 2014) ; ;
    Csik, Michaela
    A strong business model is the bedrock to business success. But all too often we fail to adapt, clinging to outdated models that are no longer delivering the results we need. The brains behind The Business Model Navigator have discovered that just 55 business models are responsible for 90% of the world's most successful businesses. These 55 models - from the Add-On model used by Ryanair to the Subscription model used by Spotify - provide the blueprints you need to revolutionise your business and drive powerful change. As well as providing a practical framework for adapting and innovating your business model, this book also includes each of the 55 models in a quick-read format that covers: * What it is * Who invented it and who uses it now * When and how to apply it "An excellent toolkit for developing your business model." Dr Heinz Derenbach, CEO, Bosch Software Innovations