Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
  • Publication
    What are the Business Benefits of Enterprise Mashups?
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2011-01-04)
    Giessmann, Andrea
    Hoyer, Volker
    Kramer, Simone
    Enterprise mashups (EMs) are a new technology that enables the automation of situational needs of knowledge workers. EMs imply a new development paradigm based on the peer production philosophy and empower end users to create individual applications without the involvement of the IT department. So far, there is insufficient research on potential benefits of EMs. This paper contributes to fill this gap by designing an EM benefit model. By following the design science approach, the balance scorecard concept is leveraged to identify and structure potential benefits of EMs. By means of a laboratory experiment and a case study, the applicability of the designed benefit model is demonstrated.
    Scopus© Citations 13
  • Publication
    Lightweight Composition of Ad-Hoc Enterprise-Class Applications with Context-aware Enterprise Mashups
    ( 2009-11-23)
    Gilles, Florian
    Hoyer, Volker
    Janner, Till
    The huge demand for ad-hoc and situational enterprise-class applications led to a new kind of Web-based applications, known as enterprise mashups. End users from the business units with no programming skills are empowered to combine and reuse existing company internal and external resources within minutes to new value added applications. In order to handle the growing number of mashable components, we propose a context-aware concept for enterprise mashups that supports users to find relevant components according to their current situation and to compose them automatically. The designed context model which is structured in the three domains agent, computing and environment is implemented in the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype to demonstrate its applicability and business benefits.
  • Publication
    SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace
    ( 2009-04-20)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Gilles, Florian
    Fleischmann, Kathrin
    Dreiling, Alexander
    Enterprise Mashups have gained momentum in the last years. Business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner existing mashable components. By combining and reusing Web-based resources within minutes, business users are able to create new value added applications to solve an individual and ad-hoc business problem. In this demo, we show the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype that transfers established marketplace concepts and principles to the Enterprise Mashup paradigm in order to handle business and organizational challenges of the Mashup paradigm in enterprise environments.
  • Publication
    SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace: Putting a Face on Service-Oriented Architectures
    (IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009-07-08)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Gilles, Florian
    Janner, Till
    The huge demand for situational and ad-hoc applications desired by the mass of business end users cannot be fully covered by traditional Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). By putting a face on SOA, Enterprise Mashups empower these end users to combine and reuse Web-based resources within minutes to create value added applications. In this paper, we present the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype that transfers established marketplace concepts to the Enterprise Mashup paradigm in order to leverage the power of peer production. The underlying concepts and the resulting architecture of the platform are presented. By means of a business scenario, the features of the grassroosts Enterprise Mashup platform are demonstrated. IEEE Service Cup 2009 awarded by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Services Computing
    Scopus© Citations 12
  • Publication
    Business Models for Digital Business Ecosystems: The Case of the Open Negotiation Environment (ONE) Platform
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2009-06-01)
    Hoyer, Volker
    The process of business negotiations of complex products or services is an essential binding element in today's dynamic global markets. The Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) paradigm provides a concept for understanding such dynamic global businesses. However, an analysis form a business model perspective is still missing. This paper presents the case study of an envisioned Open Source decentralized negotiation platform which is currently under development. In contrast to existing negotiation platforms such as Ebay in the B2C market or Ariba in the B2B market, the negotiation platform is based on a decentralized philosophy both on technical and organiza-tional level following the DBE paradigm. The analysis is structure along seven major components according to the MCM Business Model Framework: features of the specific product or service, features for the specific medium (technology), potential customers, value chain, financial flow, flow of goods and services, societal environment. As a result, we categorize the characteristics and challenges in the different business model components providing the foundation to analyze further business ecosystems from a business model perspective.
    Scopus© Citations 4
  • Publication
    Design Principles of Enterprise Mashups
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2009-03-25)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Hinkelmann, Knut
    Wache, Holger
    A new kind of Web-based application, known as Enterprise Mashups, has been gaining momentum in the last years. Enterprise Mashups implicate a shift concerning a collaborative software development and consumption process. End users combine and reuse existing Web-based resources within minutes to new value added applications in order to solve an individual and ad-hoc business problem. Novel design principles are currently about to emerge allowing to cover the long tail of user needs. In this position paper, we introduce the terminology used in context of this new paradigm and present an Enterprise Mashup Stack which consists of three layers: Web-based resources, widgets, and Mashups. Based on this model, we elaborate on the design principles of upcoming intermediaries and the mass collaboration form, the lightweight composition style as well as the perpetual beta development model. By means of the EU funded research project FAST, we show their real-world applicability.
  • Publication
    Generic Business Model Types for Enterprise Mashup Intermediaries
    (Springer, 2009-08-06)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Nelson, Matthew L.
    The huge demand for situational and ad-hoc applications desired by the mass of business end users led to a new kind of Web applications, well-known as Enterprise Mashups. Users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner existing Mashup components by combining and reusing company internal and external resources within minutes to new value added applications. Thereby, Enterprise Mashup environments interact as intermediaries to match the supply of providers and demand of consumers. By following the design science approach, we propose an interaction phase model artefact based on market transaction phases to structure required intermediary features. By means of five case studies, we demonstrate the application of the designed model and identify three generic business model types for Enterprise Mashups intermediaries (directory, broker, and marketplace). So far, intermediaries following a real marketplace business model don't exist in context of Enterprise Mashups and require further research for this emerging paradigm. Winner of the Best Paper Award (
    Scopus© Citations 4
  • Publication
    How to handle the Long Tail of Business Negotiations : The Open Negotiation Environment (ONE) Platform
    ( 2009-06-17)
    Hoyer, Volker
    In course of the EU-funded project Open Negotiation Environment (ONE), an Open Source platform was developed which allows modelling and executing of individual complex business negotiations. This paper focuses in particular on unstructured business negotiations. Instead of following a pre-defined negotiation process, real-world business negotiations are characterised by serveral negotiations steps within the different negotiation phases (admission, readiness, negotiation, and acceptance). By following the design science research methodology, this paper presents a report of the achieved results in each phase of the design science approach. The designed and underlying meta model to model business negotiations are introduced. By means of a developed prototype the application is demonstrated. A case study in the facility management in Italy evaluates the underlying concepts and benefits of the solution.
  • Publication
    Towards a Reference Model for Grassroots Enterprise Mashup Environments
    (Università di Verona, Facoltà di Economia, Departimento de Economia Aziendale, 2009-06-08)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Newell, Susan
    A new kind of Web-based application, known as Enterprise Mashups, has gained momentum in the last years: Business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner user friendly building blocks and to combine and reuse existing Web-based resources within minutes to new value added applications in order to solve an individual and ad-hoc business problem. Current discussions of the Mashup paradigm in the scientific community are limited on technical aspects. The collaboration and the peer production management aspects of the Mashup development have received less attention yet. In this paper, we propose a reference model for Enterprise Mashups which provides a foundation to develop and to analyse grassroots Enterprise Mashup environments from a managerial and collaborative perspective. By following the design science research approach, we investigate existing reference models and leverage the St. Gallen Media Reference Model (MRM). The development of Enterprise Mashups is structured by market transaction phases similar to electronic markets. The user roles, the necessary processes and the resulting services are modelled according to the views of the MRM. By means of the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype we demonstrate the application of the designed reference model for grassroots Enterprise Mashups environments. WINNER OF THE BEST PAPER AWARD.
  • Publication
    The Contribution of Reference Modeling for Organizing Enterprise Mashup Environments
    (Springer, 2009-09-07)
    Hoyer, Volker
    vom Brocke, Jan
    Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie
    Sadiq, Shazia
    Leymann, Frank
    A new kind of Web-based applications, known as Enterprise Mashups, has gained momentum in the recent years. The vision is that business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner user friendly building blocks in the envisioned Enterprise 2.0. However, the transfer of this concept into practice is still a serious issue. Whereas most research focuses on technical aspects, we point the organizational dimension of implementing Enterprise Mashups. In particular, we claim that new capabilities are needed within the implementing organization that have yet to be discovered. For that purpose we propose a reference model for organizing Enterprise Mashup environments. We also report on two applications of this model within the projects SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace and FAST. In summary, we reflect on the usefulness of the reference model for making Mashups happen in enterprise environments.
    Scopus© Citations 1