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Internet Electronic Product Catalogues: An Approach Beyond Unstructured Keywords and Multimedia

2000-06-01 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Schmid, Beat

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The Concept of Mediating Electronic Product Catalogues

1997-07-01 , Schmid, Beat , Handschuh, Siegfried , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

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Cross-Supplier Bundling of Tourist Products with Multi-Vendor Catalogs

2000-07-03 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Schmid, Beat , Hansen, Hans Robert

Tourist services are one of the most popular products offered online. This has given rise to all service suppliers to offer their products over the Internet. Currently elementary services as hotels, flights or rental cars and travel packages can be booked online. Despite the high interdependence of tourist products there is no possibility for easy and user friendly online bundling of tourist products. In this paper a solution for online bundling of products will be presented based on multi-vendor Electronic Product Catalogs developed with the Q-Technology.

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Efficient Information Retrieval: Tools for Knowledge Management

1998-09-14 , Schmid, Beat , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Handschuh, Siegfried , Hombrecher, Alexis

Knowledge has become an important resource in many organisations. Thesuccess of an organisation depends on its ability to transform personal knowledge of employees into organisational knowledge. This knowledge can then be madewidely available to the entire organisation and be reused when needed.One necessary prerequisite for reusing knowledge, coded and stored indocuments, are appropriate classification and retrieval procedures. Classificationaccompanies the process of knowledge externalisation and retrieval supports the process of knowledge internalisation by enabling the capturing of appropriatecoded knowledge. In this paper we will evaluate currently available retrieval mechanism with respect to their effectiveness in knowledge management. We will then present a comprehensive classification and retrieval technology based on the Q-Technology, which provides support for the automated and intelligent classification and retrieval of knowledge.

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Internet Electronic Product Catalogues: An Approach Beyond Unstructured Keywords and Multimedia

2000-05-01 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Schmid, Beat

Internet-based Electronic Product Catalogs (IEPCs) are one of the most important parts of electronic markets. They are the merchant's interactive interface towards online customers. Based on the features of their carrier, the interactive and ubiquitous Internet, IEPCs are online, permanently up-to date, and enable customization as well as direct communication between seller and buyer. Even though IEPCs are more sophisticated compared to paper-based catalogs, the search for products on the Internet is still a cumbersome process. Surveys show, that online customers have difficulties navigating through merchants' sites to find the products they need. In this paper, a comprehensive approach for IEPCs as complex information spaces will be presented. First a detailed requirements analysis for IEPCs will be conducted. Then a concept for organizing information within IEPCs, which goes beyond simple keywords and multimedia, will be presented. Finally, technologies for its implementation will be identified.

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A Typology of Online Communities and Community Supporting Platforms

2001-01-03 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Schmid, Beat

There is a broad agreement that the establishment of communities among users of online platforms can contribute significantly to the success of the platform. This provoked the demand for guidelines on how to build an online community. Currently, guidelines available in the literature emphasize social and economic aspects of community building and neglect technical aspects. The main hypothesis of the paper is that online communities have two constitutional elements: the community members and the platform. The platform enables online communities by providing a metaphor of a common meeting place and shapes communication with the provided services. Technical aspects therefore have significant effects on community building and an important question is: "What kind of services should a platform have in order to enable, stimulate and foster community building?". The paper tries to provide an answer by identifying community modules and by proposing a typology of online communities and respective community supporting platforms.

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Structuring and Systemizing Knowledge - Realizing the Encyclopedia concept as a Knowledge Medium

1999-05-16 , Schmid, Beat , Schmid-isler, Salome , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Lechner, Ulrike

We reconsider the encyclopedic concept as a knowledge medium for the scientific community in the Internet. Referring to the ancient concept of encyclopedia, we reconstruct the encyclopedia for the new interactive carrier of information as a knowledge medium, representing and organizing knowledge for the scientific community anew on Internet. We envision thoseknowledge media as communication spheres for agents and exemplify them with the performance of the NetAcademy project.

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Requirements Analysis for Community Supporting Platforms Based on the Media Reference Model

2000-10-01 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Schmid, Beat

One new paradigm of the information age is the phenomenon of online communities. Online communities are associations of agents, which are connected by an electronic medium, share a common language, world and values as well as pursue common interests. The elements that constitute virtual communities are the association of agents and the enabling electronic medium. Between the two elements there is a close interrelationship - the medium shapes with its functionality the communication patterns of the community. Despite this interrelationship, little attention has been paid to the development of appropriate media for communities. This paper tries to contribute to fill this gap by providing a checklist for requirements for analysis for community supporting platforms based on the media reference model.

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Community Supporting Platforms

2000-01-04 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Schmid, Beat

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Knowledge Media: An Innovative Concept and Technology for Knowledge Management in the Information Age

1998-06-21 , Schmid, Beat , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina

Knowledge has become the most important resource in many organisations. The success of an organisation depends on its ability to transform the personal knowledge of employees, as wellas knowledge stored in handbooks and other documents into organisational knowledge widely available according to special needs. In order to achieve this, innovative knowledge managementconcepts as well as technical platforms are required. Such platforms should provide on the one hand an integrated support for the representation, management and dissemination ofknowledge in changing internal and external structures. On the other hand they should provide support for the dissemination and reproduction of knowledge according to needs of different user groups in enterprises.