Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Emerging Context Market and Context-Aware Services
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2010-06-16) ;
    Wozniak, Thomas
    Mannweiler, Christian
    Schotten, Hans D.
    Context-aware services, such as location-based services, augmented reality applications, smart enterprise or assisted living applications, etc., constitute a cornerstone of the Future Internet. One important part of such applications is context information that describes the situation in which users consume the service. While earlier context referred mainly to location information provided by network operators, today new providers of context are emerging on the market together with a new context ecosystem. Based on in-depth case studies of emerging context providers conducted in the C-Cast project, this paper describes the emerging context market and ecosystem.
  • Publication
    The Emerging Ecosystem for Context Information and the Role of Telecom Operators
    (Curran Associates, 2010-10-11) ;
    Wozniak, Thomas
    Mannweiler, Christian
    Schotten, Hans D.
    This paper provides the results of a state-of-the-art analysis of emerging context providers, conceptualizes a future ecosystem for context information, and describes the role of telecom operators in such ecosystems. The state-of-the-art analysis of emerging context providers focuses on three types of context providers: location information providers, social network sites, and wireless sensor networks. The results of the analysis are the basis for the conceptualization of a future ecosystem for context information, which is described and illustrated as a value network. The role of a context broker that mediates the relationships between producers and consumers of context information is identified as a missing part in the ecosystem. It is described how telecom operators can take on this role, which is an extension of their current business model.
    Scopus© Citations 1