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Psychological antecedents of mobile consumer behaviour and implications for customer journeys in tourism

2018-04 , Wozniak, Thomas , Schaffner, Dorothea , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Lenz-Kesekamp, Vera Kristina

As online activities increasingly shift to mobile devices, organizations especially in tourism must understand which factors drive and inhibit mobile consumer behaviour, if they want to remain competitive. Thus, this paper analyses the effects of psychological factors on mobile consumer behaviour. Drawing on multiple established theories, four psychological factors are identified: (1) smartphone self-efficacy, (2) mobile-specific innovativeness, (3) mobile users’ information privacy concerns, and (4) personal attachment to smartphone. Using a structural equation modeling approach with a large-scale consumer sample, the effects of these factors on two fundamental types of mobile consumer behaviour are analysed: behaviour along the mobile customer journey and consumers’ willingness to disclose personal data in return for personalized mobile experiences. The results confirm the relevance of the identified factors for mobile consumer behaviour. These findings have several implications for the design and management of mobile touch points in tourism.

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Assimilation of Mobile Marketing in Organisations

2017-01-04 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Lenz-Kesekamp, Vera Kristina , Wozniak, Thomas , Schaffner, Dorothea

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Emerging Context Market and Context-Aware Services

2010-06-16 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Wozniak, Thomas , Mannweiler, Christian , Hoffend, Isabella , Schotten, Hans D.

Context-aware services, such as location-based services, augmented reality applications, smart enterprise or assisted living applications, etc., constitute a cornerstone of the Future Internet. One important part of such applications is context information that describes the situation in which users consume the service. While earlier context referred mainly to location information provided by network operators, today new providers of context are emerging on the market together with a new context ecosystem. Based on in-depth case studies of emerging context providers conducted in the C-Cast project, this paper describes the emerging context market and ecosystem.

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Towards a Concept for Inclusion of Social Network Information as Context Information

2009-10-12 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Wozniak, Thomas , Hoffend, Isabella , Ebermann, Jana

In this paper, a concept for usage of social network information as context information is proposed. Social network information (or information from social network sites) is considered as a specific type of a user's social context. We start with the potentially most widely accepted definition of context and then examine selected categorizations of context types, particularly focusing on social context. With an online survey we analyze the current usage pattern of social network site (SNS) and how the information available there is perceived by users. The results of the survey and subsequent analysis suggest that information about products and services from one's social network contacts is perceived by users as trustworthy and relevant. Finally, based on the empirical results, a concept for inclusion of social network information into context information is proposed.

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Mobile Consumer Segments' Perception and Usage of Location- based In- Store Mobile Shopper Marketing

2017 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Wozniak, Thomas , Lenz-Kesekamp, Vera Kristina , Schaffner, Dorothea , Chandy, R.

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Influential Factors of Recommendation Behaviour in Social Network Sites : An Empirical Analysis

2011-06-09 , Ebermann, Jana , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Wozniak, Thomas , Tuunainen, Virpi , Nandhakumar, Joe , Rossi, Matti , Soliman, W.

This paper analyzes influential factors of recommendation behaviour in social network sites (SNSs). Extant research on both SNSs and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) has given insufficient attention to SNSs as a potential eWOM channel. Considering the specificities of SNSs, this paper distinguishes implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour. Drawing upon research on eWOM, SNSs, and knowledge exchange, influential factors of implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour are identified. A theoretical model explaining why SNS users (do not) engage in implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour is developed. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used for hypothesis testing. Data was collected via an online survey from 832 SNS users. The empirical results show a positive impact of reciprocity on both implicit and explicit recommendation behaviour, a negative impact of fear of producing spam on implicit recommendation behaviour, and a positive impact of both implicit recommendation behaviour and the perceived value of the recommended product on explicit recommendation behaviour

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The Emerging Ecosystem for Context Information and the Role of Telecom Operators

2010-10-11 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Wozniak, Thomas , Mannweiler, Christian , Hoffend, Isabella , Schotten, Hans D.

This paper provides the results of a state-of-the-art analysis of emerging context providers, conceptualizes a future ecosystem for context information, and describes the role of telecom operators in such ecosystems. The state-of-the-art analysis of emerging context providers focuses on three types of context providers: location information providers, social network sites, and wireless sensor networks. The results of the analysis are the basis for the conceptualization of a future ecosystem for context information, which is described and illustrated as a value network. The role of a context broker that mediates the relationships between producers and consumers of context information is identified as a missing part in the ecosystem. It is described how telecom operators can take on this role, which is an extension of their current business model.

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Segmentation of Smartphone Users Based on Psychological Factors

2018-05-25 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Lenz-Kesekamp, Vera Kristina , Wozniak, Thomas , Schaffner, Dorothea

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Opportunities and Threats by Mobile Platforms : The (New) Role of Mobile Network Operators

2010-10-14 , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Wozniak, Thomas

This paper analyzes how new mobile platforms change existing value networks in the mobile service industry and describes how mobile network operators (MNOs) can react to such changes to remain competitive. A state-of-the-art analysis takes stock of mobile platforms provided by, e.g., device manufacturers and Internet companies. The business model of and ecosystem around such platforms are examined. This includes application stores, which are often tied to a mobile platform and enable developers to distribute and monetize their applications. MNOs' efforts to open up towards 3rd parties by exposing network capabilities through APIs are examined. MNOs' joint efforts to decrease fragmentation of their platforms and application stores are analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, several options for MNOs' potential role in a mobile service industry dominated by mobile platforms are discussed.

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The Applicability of Context-based Multicast : A Shopping Centre Scenario

2010-09-06 , Wozniak, Thomas , Stanoevska-Slabeva, Katarina , Gomes, Diogo , Schotten, Hans D.

This paper analyzes the applicability of context-based multicast content distribution (CBMCD) on the example of realistic push- and video-based mobile advertising services at a shopping centre. The technical results of the simulation of the service scenario show that CBMCD significantly reduces the number of unicast streams and the total volume of traffic in the network. The results of the financial analysis show that these technical benefits can be translated into considerable financial benefits due to costs savings. Taken together, these results suggest that CBMCD can be an efficient, cost-saving network traffic management approach and the basis for lucrative push services.