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  • Publication
    Grid Value Chains - What is a Grid Solution?
    (Springer, 2010)
    Cuesta, Juan Carlos
    Luokkanen-Rabetino, Karita
    ; ;
    Wozniak, Thomas
    As explained in chapter 3 and 5 before, a Grid solution can be provided in several ways: as a Grid-enabled application, as Utility computing or as Software as a Service. Grid-enabled applications in internal IT deployments are specific software applications that utilize in-house Grid infrastructure. Utility computing is referred to as the provision of Grid computing as service on external resources. In a Software as a Service (SaaS) based solution applications run on external servers and are used in a one-to-many model with a Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) funding model or a subscription funding model that is based on pre-defined amounts of usage. Thus, Grid solutions vary from simpler Software as a Product (SaaP) cases to more complex SaaS solutions. While the simplest cases might be handled by one or two providers, the more complex cases consist of many kinds of services, resources and capabilities, and the provision of such services almost always require co-operation between several market actors. In other words, a Grid solution is a sum of many interacting market actors that own distinct resources and capabilities needed to create value for the end user. Moreover, the provision of Grid-based services is different from traditional service provisioning, and it is more complex in terms of contractual agreements, licensing models, definition of SLAs, accounting and billing aspects.
    Scopus© Citations 1