Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Fashioning ethical subjectivity: The embodied ethics of entrepreneurial self-formation
    (Sage Publ., 2019-03-19) ;
    Branzei, Oana
    Organizational ethics has attracted increasing attention, but how individuals make sense of themselves as ethical subjects is a yet to be explored domain. The few empirical articles on ethical subjectivity have focused on how people within organizations seek to find a balance between a sense of ethical selfhood and dominant organizational discourse. We are interested in the role of the body and embodied experiences in constructing the entrepreneurial self and how this process unfolds over time. Viewing entrepreneuring as an ethical practice, we rely on a larger study of 58 entrepreneurs and a smaller multi-modal ethnography of three entrepreneurs in the ethical fashion industry. Drawing on the Deleuzian four folds of subjectivity that we employ as an analytical device, the data analysis reveals how our protagonists use the body as sensor, source, and processor in constructing themselves as ethical subjects. Our study complements rational perspectives on ethical decision making in entrepreneurship and establishes the body as a primary mechanism for one’s formation as an ethical subject. Through connecting the body with ethics, we aim to disclose the continuous subtle interaction between morality and materiality in the process of entrepreneuring. Our abductive framework discloses how one’s body prompts and informs the development of moral actions and material artifacts.
  • Publication
    David and Goliath in sustainable fashion : Strategic business alliances in the UK fashion industry
    (Inderscience Enterprises, 2014-07-14)
    Thopte, Ishwari
    This paper analyses the different types of strategic alliances currently present in the UK sustainable fashion industry. According to Ethical Corporation Magazine (2006), multinationals use three methods to move into the ethical sector: a) launching new ethical products; b) buying or taking over ethical brands; c) by forming strategic alliances with sustainable fashion small to medium enterprises (SMEs). This study aims to fill a void in the literature by focusing on strategic alliances and the motivations behind forming these alliances. Through a mixed method approach, we take a closer look although the small entrepreneurial 'David's' and established multinational 'Goliaths' in the UK fashion industry interact and develop new 'ethical' collections, campaigns and brands. Our theoretical model proposes significance between the following variables; age, target market and motivations of the type of alliance formed. This model is useful for managers to determine the type of alliance they need in order to fulfil their requirements from an alliance.