Now showing 1 - 10 of 26
  • Publication
    Torn between economic efficiency and social equality? Short-track apprenticeships in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland
    Educational institutions, especially those facilitating vocational education and training (VET), face the challenge of combining social goals, such as the provision of quality education for a large section of the population, with rising economic utility demands. However, we know little about how VET systems institutionalize these different demands and, further, how social and economic goals are actually institutionalized in VET. Our article aims to unpack this puzzle by analysing shorttrack dual vocational training programmes (short-tracks) in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. These short-tracks combine on-the-job and school-based training, targeting candidates who face difficulties entering full-length dual programmes. Thus, short-tracks are prime examples of training programmes located at the nexus of economic and social demands. In our comparative institutional analysis, we bridge the political economy of collective skill formation and sociological institutionalism literatures. We find that the institutionalization of goals in VET not only differs between countries but that there is also considerable variation within national VET systems. Our analysis reveals that VET regulations, regional and sectoral standards, and the legitimization of key actors can differ greatly in their institutionalization of social and economic goals.
  • Publication
    Combined modes of gradual change: the case of academic upgrading and declining collectivism in German skill formation
    (Oxford University Press, 2018-01-01)
    The corporatist-governed dual-training system has been a key example of collective governance in the German capitalist model. However, high-end dual-training is increasingly being offered within post-secondary higher education. Here, firms and universities, not chambers of commerce or trade unions, are the actors negotiating the curricula of and access to a range of ‘dual-study programmes’. This article traces the emergence and expansion of this more firm-specific skills provision system, which diminishes the beneficial constraints for strategic cooperation and, in turn, the provision of collective training standards and transferable skills. The case study builds on the ‘gradual institutional change’ taxonomy, while pointing to the potential benefits of using different modes of change in combination. Through analysing firms’ strategies to initiate change in an institutional grey area between established socio-economic spheres, the article shows how layering, conversion and drift can become interlinked and how each individual process can trigger and feed the next.
    Scopus© Citations 35
  • Publication
    Work-based higher education programmes in Germany and the US: Comparing multi-actor corporatist governance in higher education
    (Elsevier, 2017-02-21)
    In both Germany and the United States, employers search for new strategies to recruit and train people in times of a dynamically evolving economy and rising educational expectations on the part of individuals. In this context, we observe the proliferation of work-based higher education programmes in both countries. This development challenges the common classification found in the political economy and educational policy literature that distinguishes between collectively governed dual apprenticeships in Germany and market-driven on-the-job training in the US. The paper proposes an alternative conceptualization that identifies significant similarities in the governance mode of work-based higher education across the two countries. Based on expert interviews and document analysis, the institutional analysis focuses on complex multi-actor governance constellations at the nexus of vocational training and higher education and explores consequences for contemporary policy-making in advanced skill formation.
  • Publication
    Integrating International Student Mobility in Work-Based Higher Education: The Case of Germany
    (Sage Publ., 2017-01-07) ;
    Powell, Justin J.W.
    Fortwengel, Johann
    Bernhard, Nadine
    Dual study programs are hybrid forms of work-based higher education that have expanded very rapidly in Germany—a country traditionally considered a key model in both higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET). The continued expansion of these hybrid programs increasingly raises questions if, how, and why they may be internationalized. Although comparative research suggests that this could be challenging due to the uniqueness of the German education and training system, strong forces support internationalization. This study examines the current state and the future prospects of internationalization of such innovative dual study programs by focusing on student mobility, a key dimension of internationalization. We find growing interest in but still relatively little mobility related to dual study programs, whether among German (outgoing) or international (incoming) students. Based on expert interviews and document analysis, we extend existing typologies of student mobility regarding specific features of work-based HE programs. Furthermore, we discuss opportunities—at home and abroad—for increasing student mobility in this rapidly expanding sector.
    Scopus© Citations 4
  • Publication
    The rise of work-based academic education in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
    (Routledge, 2016)
    Austria, Germany and Switzerland are renowned for their extensive systems of collective vocational skill formation, which, however, have developed largely in separation from higher education. This divide has become increasingly contested as a result of a variety of socioeconomic factors that have led to an increasing demand for higher level skills. Do the three countries deal with these challenges in similar ways? The comparative analysis is based on process tracing from the 1960s to 2013 and builds on historical institutionalism as well as several dozen expert interviews with key stakeholders. A key finding is that all three countries have developed hybrid forms of work-based academic education that combine elements of vocational training and higher education. However, in Austria and Switzerland, these hybrids have been integrated into the traditional model of collective governance, whereas the German case signifies a departure from this model.
    Scopus© Citations 33
  • Publication
    Luxembourg's Labor Law Restricts Development of Knowledge Society
    (Forum a.s.b.l, 2015-01)
    Kirsch, Christiane
    For researchers the Luxembourgish labor law stipulates a maximum of five years of employment on fixed-term contracts (Code du Travail, Art. L. 122-5, §3). That is, the employability of young researchers is limited to five years in total, unless in the rare cases when a permanent contract gets offered.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Wenn sich Bologna und Kopenhagen treffen. Erhöhte Durchlässigkeit zwischen Berufs- und Hochschulbildung
    (Präsident des Wiss.-Zentrums Berlin für Sozialforschung, 2010-12)
    Bernhard, Nadine
    Powell, Justin J. W.
  • Publication
    Between Economic and Social Goals: Short-track Dual Training in Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland
    ( 2018-03-16) ; ;
    Wilson, Anna
    The governance of educational institutions increasingly faces the challenge to combine social goals with rising economic utility demands (Thelen 2014; Felouzis, Maroy and Van Zanten, 2013). Traditionally, the governance of dual vocational education and training (VET) is closely aligned with the world of work and economic goals. In VET, the satisfaction of skill demands and the production of human capital for employers is often linked to a strong involvement of business interests in the development of curricula, the selection of candidates, and the provision of training. At the same time, VET systems pursue social goals including the access to quality education, the provision of transferable vocational skills and certificates and a smooth school-to-work transition also for disadvantaged youth (Granato and Ulrich, 2013). Thus, VET represents a prime example of the interplay and tension between economic and social goals.
  • Publication
    Between Economic Cooperation and Social Policy: Short-track Dual Training in Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland
    ( 2017-11-11) ; ;
    Wilson, Anna
    Comparative-historical analysis that systematically combines an inclusiveness with a govern-ance perspective in dual vocational training systems is still rare (but see, e.g., Martin and Knudsen, 2010; Imdorf and Leeman, 2012; Martin and Swank, 2012; Thelen 2014; Busemey-er 2015; Powell et al. 2012). This means that we still know relatively little about how actors shape institutions that may serve inclusiveness in decentralized systems of collective skill for-mation. Therefore, we situate our paper at the nexus between collective governance and inclu-siveness research. In this context, we understand collective governance as the close coopera-tion between public and private actors and inclusiveness in terms of the policy tools, rules, and interventions that aim at providing access to the system to individuals who find it difficult to obtain an apprenticeship position if left on their own. Against this backdrop, we conduct a historical-institutionalist comparison of Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland and the reforms (1990s) and further evolution (2000s to mid-2010s) of short-track dual training programs, which are often described as inclusiveness-enhancing. Unlike the traditional three- to four-year dual training programs, these theory-reduced tracks only take two years to complete in most cases. Further, they are often targeted at more practically oriented students. They ideally increase educational opportunities for stu-dents with lower-level school grades or other disadvantages that lower their chances of gain-ing access to a “regular” apprenticeship program. Short-track dual programs belong to the reg-ular VET systems as they lead to recognized vocational certificates (in contrast to transition measures) and, in most cases, allow graduates to enter the three- to four-year programs. Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland represent key cases of such short-track educational provision within the group of collective skill formation systems. At the same time, the three countries exhibit significant variation in the governance and institutionalization of these pro-grams. Here, we understand institutionalization as an outcome in terms of how short-track dual training is carried and stabilized by regulative, normative, cultural-cognitive institutional dimensions (see Scott, 2008[1995]), which also conditions the inclusiveness character of these programs. This institutionalized outcome, in turn, results from the “political efforts of actors to accomplish their ends” and “the relative power of the actors that support, oppose, or otherwise strive to influence it” (DiMaggio, 1988: 13). The observed variation in the institutionalization of short-track programs in the three decentralized systems concerns, in particular, the compe-tences and activities at the key subnational governance levels (i.e., sectoral, occupational, or regional). Furthermore, the reform processes that have led to the current institutionalization of short-track programs differ, and are linked to either gradual or more radical policy change. This leads us to our central research question: Why do these three relatively similar dual train-ing countries display different types of governance and forms of institutionalization of short-track dual training programs? In this context, we seek to provide new insights on the posi-tioning, influence, and degrees of support of the different key VET actors in relation to such short-track programs. Traditionally, the governance of “regular-length” dual VET programs has been well-researched and compared, notably within the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) tradition with its focus on employers and economic cooperation. However, we argue that short-track programs are located at the nexus of (a) economic cooperation and (b) social policy – requiring actors to balance economic and social goals. Therefore, on the one hand, we relate to the VoC-related literature on the political economy of collective skill formation to capture economic coopera-tion and the collective nature of skill formation. On the other hand, we refer to the Worlds of Welfare Capitalism (WWC) and the closely related Worlds of Human Capital Formation (WHCF) approach to capture the social policy aspect in the governance of the short-term dual tracks. More generally, we expect that these two theoretical perspective can help us under-stand how stakeholders in short-track programs position themselves between the two institu-tional logics of economic cooperation and social policy. From a broader WWC and WHCF perspective, the three countries can be argued to repre-sent different types of welfare states (Denmark: social-democratic; Germany: conservative; Switzerland: conservative-liberal). We argue that this affects the governance and institutional-ization of “inclusiveness-promoting” short-track programs. From this perspective, the key ra-tionale for looking at Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland is that of typical cases, represent-ing different ideal types, which in turn engender different expectations concerning the role of actors and institutions. Second, from the VoC perspective, the three countries represent key cases of collectively governed skill formation systems predicated on decentralized cooperation between various private and public actors. However, the related literature on varieties of col-lective skill formation has uncovered significant cross-national differences in the institutional configuration of these system (Busemeyer and Trampusch, 2012; Thelen, 2014), which we will take into account. Furthermore, we expect that differences in decentralized governance at the subnational level (regional, sectoral, and occupational) affect how economic cooperation plays out (Emmenegger et al., 2016). Thus, we will draw on both the VoC and the WWC frame-works to structure the comparative-historical analysis of the development of short-track pro-grams. In the 1990s, the VET systems in Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland experienced major problems when a lack of training places and high dropout rates on the apprenticeship market weakened the VET systems. This motivated reforms of VET in these countries. Within these reforms, the topic of short-term programs (existent in some form in all three countries already prior to the 1990s) and their role as a less demanding (for both students and employers) voca-tional training option was discussed intensively. We map the actors involved, their positions, and the social and economic contexts in which these programs were reformed. More specifi-cally, we focus on three central historical phases: (I) historical origins (genesis); (II) crisis and reform in the 1990s; and (II) further evolution (2000s to mid-2010s). Short-track dual training has a long history in all three countries. However, given the general crisis on the respective apprenticeship markets in the 1990s, Phase II presented an important window of opportunity for institutional change in all three countries. To analyze these historical phases, we use process tracing or the analysis of sequences of events to explore the relevant linking mechanisms and intervening processes in specific cases (Mahoney, 2004: 88–89). The goal is to offer a narrative account of crucial sequential events (or processes) that facilitate an understanding of a particular outcome. Each significant histori-cal step contributing to the outcome will be explained with reference to theory (George and Bennett, 2005: 30), in this case the theories varieties of collective skill formation and worlds of welfare capitalism. In terms of data, we analyze official documents and the available sec-ondary literature. Furthermore, we conduct several dozen semi-structured interviews with ex-perts in each country.