Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Publication
    An interactive primer on the macroeconomics of financial crises
    (Taylor & Francis, 2011-09-06) ; ; ;
    Kleiner, Andreas
    This learning package brings the macroeconomic implications of financial crises to the undergraduate classroom. It equips even apprentices of macroeconomics with tools enabling them to be active and constructive participants in discussions of the current crisis. It should also encourage undergraduate instructors to use the 2007 subprime crisis and its global effects as an extended case study, emphasizing the applied nature of macroeconomics and its potential to make developments and policy discussions in the real world more transparent. The package assumes familiarity with two workhorses of the undergraduate curriculum: the IS-LM and the Mundell-Fleming model. Extending textbook versions of these models, it shows how the emergence of financial crises, defined as deteriorations of confidence that lead to increasing risk premiums, affects money markets (via the LM curve) and capital markets (via the IS curve). Starting with an empirical comparison of key macroeconomic variables during the Great Depression of 1929-1933 and the current crisis, users then enter the interactive segment of the package. The Java applet that sits at the heart of this central section features a crisis version of the Mundell-Fleming model (to represent a small open economy) that is connected to a likewise modified IS-LM model (to represent the rest of the world). After being cautioned that financial crises come in many shapes (depending on the exchange rate sys-tem, on whether they erupt in the banking or corporate sector, at home or abroad) students may expe-riment with a variety of crises, experiencing their macroeconomic repercussions, and gaining hands-on experience as central bankers and government policy makers. This way students find out under what conditions financial crises threaten to generate major recessions, when textbook policy recom-mendations work or are turned upside down, and what kind of financial crises may even destabilize the economy with the prospect of an outright depression. [ Link zum interaktiven Lernpaket / link to the interactive package]
    Scopus© Citations 2
  • Publication
    Can Tax Evasion Tame Leviathan Governments?
    (Springer Science + Business Media, 2008-06-06)
    Brevik, Frode
    This paper asks to what extent institutional features that facilitate tax evasion may keep Leviathan governments at bay. The specific feature we look at is banking secrecy abroad. The analysis draws on a 16-generation OLG model in which tax rates are determined in a repeated game between voters and a rent-seeking Leviathan government. Key insights are: (1) Effects on any generation alive when change takes place may differ substantially from steady-state effects that accrue for generations yet to be born. (2) There is considerable intergenerational diversity in these effects that is not monotonic as we move from young to old. Combined, these results suggest that the political economy of pertinent institutional change may be quite complex. [ Download discussion paper version] [ Download article (requires subscription)]
    Scopus© Citations 5
  • Publication
    Teaching Real Business Cycles to Undergraduates
    (Heldref Publications, 2007-07-19)
    Brevik, Frode
    The authors review the graphical approach to teaching the real business cycle model introduced by Barro (1984). Graphical and exact models are compared by means of impulse response functions. The graphical analysis can be used to equip students with an understanding of the economy's supply side dynamics.
  • Publication
    Intermediate macroeconomics tutorials and applets
    (Heldref Publications, 2001-01-01)
    The article presents a Web site for undergraduate macroeconomics instruction. The first section of this module, called macro in a nutshell, opens with a road map, a graphical interface that conveys an aggregate supply/aggregate demand perspective of the economy, displaying and linking key models and building blocks of intermediate macroeconomics. The second section, interactive macro, features standard models of intermediate macroeconomics programmed as Java applets.
  • Publication
    Teaching undergraduate economics in Europe: Volume, structure and content
    (Heldref Publications, 2001)
    The structure and contents of undergraduate programs in economics and management sciences differ among the major European universities. Based on analyses of curriculums, course syllabuses, and adopted textbooks, the author looks at how much time is spent in pertinent programs, how time is allocated among different courses within programs, what common thematic denominators exist, and finally and most importantly, whether and in what way content taught in micro and macro courses differs. Based on examinations of how the coverage in major textbooks has evolved through successive editions, he also looks for trends and cycles in what is taught in undergraduate micro and macroeconomics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
  • Publication
    (Pearson Education, 2013)
    This textbook combines theory and application, using many real-world case studies and examples. Rigorous and comprehensive, it offers a truly European and global perspective ideal for intermediate and applied macroeconomics students. New to this edition is a chapter on economic crises, showcasing the financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis.
  • Publication
    Instructor's Manual : to accompany Macroeconomics, 3rd edition, by Manfred Gärtner
    (Pearson Education, Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2009)
    Burri, Susanne
  • Publication
    (Pearson Education, FT Prentice Hall, 2009)