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  • Publication
    Shadow IT - A view from behind the curtain
    (Elsevier, 2014-09-01) ;
    Shadow IT is a currently misunderstood and relatively unexplored phenomena. It represents all hardware, software, or any other solutions used by employees inside of the organisational ecosystem which have not received any formal IT department approval. But how much do we know about this phenomenon? What is behind the curtain? Is security in organisations jeopardised? In the research study reported here, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the organisational Shadow IT software database, reporting the view from behind the curtain. The study used triangulation approach to investigate the Shadow IT phenomena and its findings open Pandora's Box as they lay a new picture of what Shadow IT looks like from the software perspective. Our study revealed that greynet, content apps, and utility tools are the most used shadow systems. This study offers important insights on the Shadow IT phenomena for information management professionals and provides new research directions for academia.
    Scopus© Citations 110
  • Publication
    Dual-use open source security software in organizations-Dilemma: Help or hinder?
    (Elsevier, 2013-11-20)
    Dual-use technology can be used for both peaceful and harmful purposes. While the new type of anonymous, invisible and devastating security threats (malware, worms and viruses) shape contemporary warfare, organizations are challenged by the undefined risks of open source dual-use security tools. The dual-use dilemma is very important. It has not received adequate academic focus: questions such as increased or decreased risk, facilitation of security breaches, and the impact on security awareness have not been clarified or studied. This research closes existing gaps by studying the open source dual-use security software challenges that organizations should consider when using this technology. We utilize a triangulation approach with three independent data sources to conduct a detailed analysis of this phenomenon. Our study has found that the dual-use technology has both positive and negative effects on information system security. The ease of use of the dual-use security software facilitates security breaches and enterprises are using vulnerable open source security libraries and frameworks to develop their own in-house applications. On a positive note, open source dual-use security software is used as a powerful defense tool against attackers. Our study also found that security awareness is the key to maintaining the right level of information security risk in the dual-use context. Dual-use can also be of a great help to organizations in leveraging their information system security.
    Scopus© Citations 14