Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    Slip-Sliding-Away: A Review of the Literature on the Constraining Qualities of PowerPoint
    PowerPoint is a dominant communication tool in business and education. It allows for creating professional-looking presentations easily, but without understanding its constraining qualities it can be used inappropriately. Therefore we conducted a systematic literature review structuring the literature on PowerPoint in three chronological phases (Early Criticism, Heated Debate, and Scientific Take-Off) and identifying 18 constraining qualities classified into three categories: cognitive, emotional, and social. This article provides implications for educators' and practitioners' use (and nonuse) of PowerPoint through synthesis and description of such constraining qualities. Directions for future research are developed by identifying theoretical gaps in literature on PowerPoint.
    Scopus© Citations 32
  • Publication
    Visualization in Management: From Communication to Collaboration. A Response to Zhang
    (Elsevier Academic Press, 2013-10-01) ;
    The benefits of visualization are starting to be exploited in the field of management. Beyond cognitive and communicative advantages, this view point article highlights how visualization can enhance collaborative activities in organizations. Recent trends in management indicate that the activity of visualizing can be as important as the pictures that are generated. Qualitative visualizations such as conceptual diagrams, metaphors or sketches are used as collaboration catalysts to facilitate a variety of tasks, from idea generation to decision making and planning. The article derives future research avenues in this promising and interdisciplinary field of inquiry, including the impact of immersive worlds, electronic sketches or multi-user interfaces for collaborative managerial tasks.
    Scopus© Citations 48
  • Publication
    Does method matter? : An experiment on collaborative business model idea generation in teams
    (eContent Management Pty Ltd, 2012-09) ;
    Hoffmann, Friederike
    The development of new business models presents a critical and demanding task for organizations. Among other things, the task requires effective divergent and convergent group processes. A growing body of theoretical literature and empirical evidence shows that artifacts can support collaboration, creativity, and innovation in groups. Such artifacts include visual templates, physical objects, and sketches. Based on existing theories on idea generation and boundary objects, this proposal explains how artifacts can facilitate the development of new business model ideas in teams. Specifically, this paper hypothesizes that artifacts have an impact on perceived group collaboration, perceived creativity, and the decision to adopt a new business model idea. The model was tested with an initial experimental study with managers who were asked to develop innovative business models for a daily newspaper, working under one of three different conditions. The subjects worked in groups and were assigned to either: (1) an empty PowerPoint slide (control group); (2) physical objects combined with sketching; or (3) a visual business model template in a software environment. The results of this pilot study indicate that using a digital visual business model template significantly increases perceived collaboration and actually decreases perceived creativity and the willingness to adopt the business model idea generated. Physical objects combined with sketching do not yield results distinct from the control condition of filling out an empty slide. These results provide initial empirical evidence that artifacts have the power to shape the group process of developing new business models, and that the proposed model can capture relevant dimensions of how they affect such a process.
  • Publication
    Does method matter? An experiment on collaborative business model idea generation in teams
    (eContent Management, 2012-09) ;
    Hoffmann, Friederike
    The development of new business models presents a critical and demanding task for organizations. Among other things, the task requires effective divergent and convergent group processes. A growing body of theoretical literature and empirical evidence shows that artifacts can support collaboration, creativity, and innovation in groups. Such artifacts include visual templates, physical objects, and sketches. Based on existing theories on idea generation and boundary objects, this proposal explains how artifacts can facilitate the development of new business model ideas in teams. Specifically, this paper hypothesizes that artifacts have an impact on perceived group collaboration, perceived creativity, and the decision to adopt a new business model idea. The model was tested with an initial experimental study with managers who were asked to develop innovative business models for a daily newspaper, working under one of three different conditions. The subjects worked in groups and were assigned to either: (1) an empty PowerPoint slide (control group); (2) physical objects combined with sketching; or (3) a visual business model template in a software environment. The results of this pilot study indicate that using a digital visual business model template significantly increases perceived collaboration and actually decreases perceived creativity and the willingness to adopt the business model idea generated. Physical objects combined with sketching do not yield results distinct from the control condition of filling out an empty slide. These results provide initial empirical evidence that artifacts have the power to shape the group process of developing new business models, and that the proposed model can capture relevant dimensions of how they affect such a process.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Facilitating Knowledge Communication through Joint Interactive Visualization
    (Verl. d. Techn. Univ. Graz, 2004-07-01)
    This paper presents further research findings on the use of software-based, collaborative visual communication tools for the transfer and creation of professional knowledge in organizational decision making contexts. The paper begins by describing typical knowledge communication situations and summarizes dominating problems in these contexts. It then reports on the real-life experiences in using three visual knowledge communication tools, namely the OnTrack visual protocol tool, the Parameter Ruler application, and the Synergy Map. The application experiences with these tools in four companies show that they can reduce some of the discussed problems. Their main benefits are focus, coordination, documentation, consistency, accountability and traceability. Their major improvement areas are accessibility and flexibility. Implications for further research and for further tool developments are highlighted.