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  • Publication
    Value Co-creation Ontology—A Service-dominant Logic Perspective
    (Paul Drews, Burkhardt Funk, Peter Niemeyer und Lin Xie (Hrsg.), 2018-03-09) ; ; ; ;
    Drews, Paul
    Burkhardt, Funk
    Niemeyer, Peter
    Xie, Lin
    Marketing research apprises scholars in different disciplines of a paradigmatic reorientation from a traditional goods-dominant (G-D) to a service-dominant (S-D) logic. S-D logic re-conceptualizes the notion of economic exchange. The cornerstone of this reorientation is the concept of value co-creation—a collaborative process of reciprocal value creation among various actors. Owing to S-D logic’s significance, information systems (IS) research discusses its prospective implications on core elements of the IS knowledge base. However, an equivocal understanding of value co-creation’s foundations, semantics, and use emphasizes its underlying theoretical ambiguity in IS and marketing research. Through employing Methontology, a well-structured methodology to build ontologies, we develop a value co-creation ontology for IS from an S-D logic perspective. The developed ontology not only offers a multidisciplinary glossary of value co-creation’s constituent concepts, but also thoroughly depicts their relationships. The resultant ontology represents a first step toward reflecting S-D logic in IS analysis and design.