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  • Publication
    Family Firm Innovativeness-A Meta-Analysis
    (Academy of Management, 2014-08-05)
    Duran, Patricio
    van Essen, Marc
    An increasing stream of research has started to investigate innovation behavior in family firms, which is expected to be distinct from that of other types of firms; however results have been mixed so far. Conducting a meta-analysis of 110 studies covering 42 countries we synthesize prior work and extend prior knowledge on the precise linkages of family control and innovation behavior. We find that innovation input is lower in family as compared to non-family firms, yet innovation output is enhanced. We argue that lower input can be explained by the investment and decision making preferences of family owners. Higher output can be explained by family-firms' capabilities to efficaciously manage R&D resources. We further discuss and test the effect of important family-, firm-, and institutional-level contingencies. Based on the results from our meta-analytical analysis we develop new insights into the sources of competitive advantage of family firms and propose new directions for further research.