Now showing 1 - 10 of 314
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Data-driven business and data privacy: Challenges and measures for product-based companies

2023 , Fabian Alfred Schäfer , Heiko Gebauer , Christoph Gröger , Oliver Gassmann , Felix Wortmann

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Even a Small Conductor Can Lead a Large Orchestra: How Startups Orchestrate Ecosystems

2021-04-09 , Lingens, Bernhard , Böger, Maximilian , Gassmann, Oliver

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Big Techs and startups in pharmaceutical R&D – A 2020 perspective on artificial intelligence

2021 , Schuhmacher, Alexander , Gatto, Alexander , Kuss, Michael , Gassmann, Oliver , Hinder, Markus

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The Art of Virtualizing Pharma R&D

2019 , Schuhmacher, Alexander , Gassmann, Oliver , Kuss, Michael , Hinder, Markus

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The architecture of innovation: how firms configure different types of complementarities in emerging ecosystems

2022-09-12 , Lingens, Bernhard , Seeholzer, Veronika , Gassmann, Oliver

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Circular business model implementation: Design choices, orchestration strategies, and transition pathways for resource-sharing solutions

2021-01 , Palmié, Maximilian , Böhm, Jonas , Lekkas, Charlotte-Katharina , Parida, Vinit , Wincent, Joakim , Gassmann, Oliver

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Circular business model implementation: Design choices, orchestration strategies, and transition pathways for resource-sharing solutions

2020 , Palmié, Maximilian , Boehm, J. , Lekkas, Charlotte-Katharina , Parida, V. , Wincent, Joakim , Gassmann, Oliver

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Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, and research agenda

2021-01 , Häfner, Naomi , Wincent, Joakim , Parida, Vinit , Gassmann, Oliver

Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshapes companies and how innovation management is organized. Consistent with rapid technological development and the replacement of human organization, AI may indeed compel management to rethink a company’s entire innovation process. In response, we review and explore the implications for future innovation management. Using ideas from the Carnegie School and the behavioral theory of the firm, we review the implications for innovation management of AI technologies and machine learning-based AI systems. We outline a framework showing the extent to which AI can replace humans and explain what is important to consider in making the transformation to the digital organization of innovation. We conclude our study by exploring directions for future research.

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Systematic risk identification and assessment using a new risk map in pharmaceutical R&D

2021 , Schuhmacher, Alexander , Brieke, Clara , Gassmann, Oliver , Hinder, Markus , Hartl, Dominik

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The upside of being a digital pharma player

2020 , Schuhmacher, Alexander , Gatto, Alexander , Hinder, Markus , Kuss, Michael , Gassmann, Oliver