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Business models for digital sustainability: Framework, microfoundations of value capture, and empirical evidence from 130 smart city services

2023 , Bencsik, Barbara , Palmié, Maximilian , Parida, Vinit , Wincent, Joakim , Gassmann, Oliver

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Investigating the origins of recent pharmaceutical innovation

2023-07-05 , Schuhmacher, Alexander , Hinder, Markus , Dodel, Alexander , Gassmann, Oliver , Hartl, Dominik

Leading pharmaceutical companies have historically been engaged in all stages of the R&D pipeline, from target identification through to drug marketing, and thus have been termed fully integrated pharmaceutical companies (FIPCOs). In the past decade, externally invented assets gained through partnering or mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have become a prominent component of the pipelines of such companies. Given the long development cycles and the increasing level of collaboration between pharma companies and biotech companies, however, the precise origins of innovation are not obvious, in part as regulatory approvals for innovative drugs by agencies such as the FDA are granted to the company filing the applications, which is not necessarily the company that discovered the active pharmaceutical ingredient. Understanding the origins of innovation provides a deeper understanding of the pharma business model and could support strategic improvements. We therefore systematically assessed the origins of innovation for all new molecular entities (NMEs) and new therapeutic biologics (NTBs) approved between 2015 and 2021 by the Center of Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the top 20 biopharma companies globally by sales in 2020 (see Supplementary information for details).

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The architecture of innovation: how firms configure different types of complementarities in emerging ecosystems

2022-09-12 , Lingens, Bernhard , Seeholzer, Veronika , Gassmann, Oliver

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Does Smart equal Sustainable? Selective Coupling and Sustainability Performance in 251 Smart City Initiatives understood as Hybrid Organizations

2021 , Friedrich, Jonas , Palmié, Maximilian , Gassmann, Oliver

This paper depicts smart city initiatives as hybrid organizations that incorporate competing institutional logics. These logics are not equally pronounced across initiatives. The salience of the logics affects initiatives’ selective coupling with economic, social, and environmental sustainability and, hence, their triple-layered sustainability performance. We suggest that the performance-related selective coupling is driven by two mechanisms: leveraging experience and seeking legitimacy. An empirical analysis of 251 initiatives supports our arguments. In line with the theory of selective coupling, we further find that initiatives embedded in a market logic display better overall sustainability performance than those embedded in a social welfare logic.

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Data-driven business and data privacy: Challenges and measures for product-based companies

2023 , Fabian Alfred Schäfer , Heiko Gebauer , Christoph Gröger , Oliver Gassmann , Felix Wortmann

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Analysis of pharma R&D productivitya new perspective needed

2023-08-07 , Schuhmacher, Alexander , Hinder, Markus , Von Stegmann Und Stein, Alexander , Hartl, Dominik , Gassmann, Oliver

R&D productivity continues to be the industry's grand challenge. We analyzed the R&D input, output, and outcome of 16 leading research-based pharmaceutical companies over 20 years (2001-2020). Our analysis shows that pharma companies increased their R&D spending at a compound annual growth rate of 6% (2001-2020) to an average R&D expenditure per company of $6.7 billion (2020). The companies in our investigation launched 251 new drugs representing 46% of all CDER-related FDA approvals in the past 20 years. The average R&D efficiency of big pharma was $6.16 billion total R&D expenditures per new drug. Almost half of the leading companies needed to compensate for their negative R&D productivity through mergers and acquisitions.

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Open innovation: A paradigm shift in pharma R&D?

2022-09 , Schuhmacher, Alexander , Gassmann, Oliver , Bieniok, Doria , Hinder, Markus , Hartl, Dominik

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Implementing and scaling artificial intelligence: A review, framework, and research agenda

2023-10-16 , Haefner, Naomi , Parida, Vinit , Gassmann, Oliver , Wincent, Joakim

Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a substantial impact on firms in virtually all industries. Without guidance on how to implement and scale AI, companies will be outcompeted by the next generation of highly innovative and competitive companies that manage to incorporate AI into their operations. Research shows that competition is fierce and that there is a lack of frameworks to implement and scale AI successfully. This study begins to address this gap by providing a systematic review and analysis of different approaches by companies to using AI in their organizations. Based on these experiences, we identify key components of implementing and scaling AI in organizations and propose phases of implementing and scaling AI in firms.

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The architecture of innovation: how firms configure different types of complementarities in emerging ecosystems

2022-09-12 , Lingens, Bernhard , Seeholzer, Veronika , Gassmann, Oliver

Ecosystems are one of the major trends today. They are based on complementarities, which can take the form of supermodularity or uniqueness and appear on both production and consumption side. Different configurations of complementarity lead to different char-acteristics of ecosystems with different implications. But which configuration of complementarities is beneficial in a given setting and what are the resulting consequences? We study emerging ecosystems driven by the respective orchestrator. Based on a multiple-case study, we show how and why orchestrators are leveraging different configurations of complementarities depend-ing on, amongst others, competition on ecosystem or value propo-sition level and uncertainty and the resulting challenges for the orchestrator. These insights provide researchers with a better understanding of the basic mechanics of ecosystems and explain why certain types and structures of ecosystems are more likely to be seen in specific environments. For managers, it helps to sketch the development paths for own ecosystems.

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Open innovation for institutional entrepreneurship: how incumbents induce institutional change to advance autonomous driving

2022-06 , Schweitzer, Fiona , Palmié, Maximilian , Gassmann, Oliver , Kahlert, Jonas , Roeth, Tobias