Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    A Methodology for ICT Impact Analysis Based on Semantic Process Models
    ( 2008-09-01)
    Baacke, Lars
    Fitterer, René
    ; ;
    Wimmer, Maria A.
    Scholl, Jochen H.
    Ferro, Enrico
    In today's fast changing public sector environment, administrative decision makers increasingly demand that information and communication technology (ICT) investments demonstrate business value through measurable results. While costs are easy to track, measuring tangible benefits such as quality improvements and utility potentials of ICT takes considerable effort. Hence, simultaneously with a multitude of eGovernment initiatives, ICT evaluation methods have been developed. As the great part of these initiatives exclusively focuses on the electronic delivery of governmental services, predominantly the end-user perspective is used for evaluation thus leaving behind the impact of ICT on the back-office of a public administration. For this reason a fundamental methodology for administration-wide ICT impact analysis is presented. This methodology consists of two phases: semantic modelling of administrational processes (phase 1) and computer-assisted analysis of ICT impact (phase 2). For both phases, the respective specifications are explained and their applicability is demonstrated with a real-world example.
  • Publication
    Transformational Government - A Conceptual Foundation for Innovation in Public Administrations
    (Academic Conferences Limited, 2008-07-10)
    Baacke, Lars
    Fitterer, René
    ; ;
    Hahamis, Panos
    Structural changes and increasing dynamics in the public sector intensify the administrations' need for cost-savings and process optimisation. To address actual drawbacks the adoption of e-Government is currently seen as opportunity to improve not only effectiveness and efficiency but also quality of public service delivery. For doing so, knowledge about internal structures and the external environment is indispensable. As transformation projects of public administrations (PA) in comparison with other industries strongly depend on the perception of responsible individuals and affected stakeholders, theories and artefacts are needed that help to depict the organisational reality of the PA. Current industry-independent models do not sufficiently account for the characteristics of PAs, hence it is the aim of this contribution to provide a design-oriented approach in order to assist this transformation. For this purpose a conceptual model with 42 design elements is presented. Two different perspectives are identified for the analysis of the domain. An inter-organisational view defines all elements needed to depict the boundaries and environment of PAs. An intra-organisational view enables analysis of the internal reality of an organisation. As not only technical but mainly inter- and intra-organisational issues are actually restricting the adoption of e-Government, the presented conceptual model therefore provides a holistic framework for the improvement of requirements analysis of transformation projects.
  • Publication
    ICT-Enabled Optimization of Government Processes
    (Information Science Reference, 2009)
    Baacke, Lars
    Becker, Joerg
    Bergener, Philipp
    Fitterer, René
    Greiner, Ulrike
    Stroh, Florian
    Raeckers, Michael
    Weerakkody, Vishanth
    Janssen, Marijn
    Dwivedi, Yogesh K.
    The public sector is facing an increased service level demand from citizens andcompanies which comes along with reduced financial scope. Higher processefficiency as well as time and cost savings are required to cope with this challenge.However, reorganization projects in public administrations which are based onestablished generic process modeling methods can only identify limitedreorganization potential for ICT-support in single processes and just lead to smalllocal improvements (Algermissen et al., 2005). Therefore, we have created themodeling and analysis methodology PICTURE. The PICTURE methodology firstapplies the domain vocabulary to efficiently capture the process landscape of a publicorganization. It then semi-automatically analyses the processes and identifies reorganizationpotential. Thus, PICTURE creates process transparency and supportsdecision makers in developing a holistic ICT investment and transformation strategyfor the entire administration.
  • Publication
    Using Semantically Annotated Models for Pattern-Based Process Analysis
    (Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität St.Gallen, 2010-01-04)
    Baacke, Lars
    Fitterer, René
    Stroh, Florian
    Support of processes by appropriate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a key requisite to persist in an environment characterised by high specialisation and cooperative service production also in the public sector. This paper describes a method for pattern-based semantic process analysis including its prototypical implementation. The objective is the identification of weaknesses as well as the analysis of ICT impact with regards to reducing or eliminating these weaknesses. Using this approach, business analysts can rely on an extensible and flexible tool for querying in a natural language close way and analysing process models by means of weakness patterns.