Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
  • Publication
    Is More Always Better? Re-Assessing the Role of Human Capital in Entrepreneurship
    ( 2015-06-18) ; ; ;
    Brinckmann, Jan
    Entrepreneurship research mainly focused on linear effects of human capital on venture performance, while recent publications have pointed towards non-linear effects. We investigate non-linear effects of both general and specific human capital on nascent venture performance. Based on data from PSED II, we study U-shaped relationships between general education, management, industry, and startup experience and nascent venture progress. We find that while general education, management experience, and startup experience have an inverse U-shaped relationship, industry experience has a U-shaped relationship with venture progress. Our findings have implications for theory and practice.
  • Publication
    Is More Always Better? Re-Assessing the Role of Human Capital in Entrepreneurship
    (Academy of Management (AOM), 2015-08-07) ; ; ;
    Brinckmann, Jan
    Entrepreneurship research mainly focused on linear effects of human capital on venture performance, while recent publications have pointed towards non-linear effects. We investigate non-linear effects of both general and specific human capital on nascent venture performance. Based on data from PSED II, we study U-shaped relationships between general education, management, industry, and startup experience and nascent venture progress. We find that while general education, management experience, and startup experience have an inverse U-shaped relationship, industry experience has a U-shaped relationship with venture progress. Our findings have implications for theory and practice.
  • Publication
    Inclusive Innovation in MedTech - Assessing Ecosystems to Leverage Novel Technologies
    (TU Dresden, 2014-09-22)
    Medical devices save lives and improve the health and quality of life. The global market for medical devices has increased from $ 245 billion in 2005 to $ 368 billion in 2014 with an estimate of reaching $ 440 billion by 2018.1,2,3 Yet with ever increasing healthcare costs, the affordability of high quality treatment is becoming more expensive for all involved stakeholders - patients, doctors, hospitals and insurance companies - threatening to widen the gap between those that have access to the best treatments and those that do not. It is therefore of critical importance that we foster inclusive innovation in healthcare by leveraging novel technological advancements and by building a multi-stakeholder ecosystem. This project seeks to address the following two inter-related topics: (1) Assessing emerging trends in MedTech and their potential for increasing healthcare access of otherwise excluded communities; in particular trends in 3D printing. (2) Employing a multi-stakeholder ecosystem approach to study a variety of approaches for leveraging these new technologies and ensuring that otherwise excluded communities have equal access to these medical technologies.
  • Publication
    Prior Industry Experience, External Support and New Venture Survival
    (Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2014-06-05) ;
    Dencker, John
    Gruber, Marc
    Principal Topic A growing body of research highlights that individuals with a broad set of skills and experiences are more likely to become entrepreneurs than those with a narrow base of knowledge, yet little is known about how breadth of knowledge affects start-up performance. In particular, extant theory generates contrasting accounts of this relationship, and the scant available evidence is inconclusive. Moreover, because this research tends to focus primarily on individual characteristics, it often ignores the social and contextual factors that may interact with founder human capital to influence outcomes in this regard. We seek to fill in this critical gap in knowledge by generating a framework that explores the impact of breadth of knowledge on new firm survival, both individually, and in conjunction with external knowledge and emotional support. Method Our empirical analysis is based on a sample of formerly unemployed firm founders that started companies with the support of dedicated government programs in Western Switzerland. Data collection was performed using a survey instrument that was delivered to participants through the government agencies. We calculated the probability of new venture failure using discrete-time event history analysis. Results Our findings reveal that the probability of new venture survival significantly decreases with breadth of industry experience. However, as the breadth of founder experience increases, survival chances are increasing in increasing amount of external support. We conclude by discussing implications of our findings for entrepreneurship, organizational theory, and public policy.
  • Publication
    From Idea to Opportunity: A Conceptual Framework
    (Journal of Management Studies, 2012-09-28)
  • Publication
    Dynamic 3D investigation of microdamage behavior in murine cortical bone
    (ESB, 2010-07-05)
    Levchuk, Alina
    Schneider, Philipp
    Meier, Matias
    Müller, Ralph
  • Publication
    Entrepreneurs: The creators of tomorrow's jobs
    (St. Gallen Symposium, 2010-05-07)
    As an entrepreneur as well as a PhD student in the field of entrepreneurship, in thinking about the decisions made by politicians during the recent economic crisis to help the economy recover, I started thinking about the role that entrepreneurs play. Entrepreneurs are the ones that are implementing change through their innovative ideas. But these people alone cannot be held responsible for creating the next steps in societal evolution. There are many varied factors that influence entrepreneurship, ranging from economic and political to socio-cultural ones. Therefore, when discussing entrepreneurs as the agents of change, it is at least as important to discuss the environment in which they want to, or have to, create these changes. Which are the changes that have to happen on a political level to fosters entrepreneurship and promote entrepreneurially-minded people in their endeavors? This essay constitutes a critical reflection on this issue in the context of the current economic crisis by looking at decisions made by policymakers to partially re-establish the status quo ante, bridging to the importance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs as the driving motors for economic, technological and social change. To sum up, an explanation is given for why policymakers should put more emphasis on the entrepreneurs and not so much on the economic giants, and tangible suggestions are made for future policy incentives.
  • Publication
    Bone micro-damage accumulation: an automated dynamic assessment in 3D
    (ESB, 2009-09-01)
    Levchuk, Alina
    Schneider, Philipp
    Meier, Matias
    Müller, Ralph